Thank You

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"I told you, you should have stayed with Yugi and the others and you just wouldn't listen." Atem fusses over the scrape on my arm and I roll my eyes at him.

"I'm not afraid of Ushio." I grumble sitting on the edge of my bed, my arms folded.

"And you have no right to lecture me as if you're my father." I squeeze myself tighter, trying to keep myself from snapping at him.

"Nuni." He sighs and wraps his arms around me "I know. I don't want to fight with you, or control you but tonight, when that man had his hands on you, I thought I might kill him." He squeezes me tighter and I let my arms unfold. They wrap themselves around Atem, craving for him in a way I had never felt for really anyone.

"Atem..." I start hesitantly

"Yes." He strokes my hair and holds me.

"What did you do to him?" I ask.

"It isn't good." His voice is dark.

"But what was it?" I keep my arms around him "it's not going to change anything, I just wanted to know."

Atem sighs, his fingers in my hair.

"Mind crush." He repeats the words I remembered from before.

"It sends dark minds where they belong, to a dark place." Atem squeezes me tighter "he will never hurt you again."." he growls as if daring Ushio to try.

"Atem..." I push him back a bit, he looks at me, hurt evident in his eyes, I keep eye contact with him "thank you for caring for me." I pull him down to me and press a kiss to his cheek. He freezes as if he didn't expect that but his smile says he didn't hate it.

"Only an idiot wouldn't' care for you." he brushes my bangs away from my eyes, my hair is getting too long for my taste but Atem seems to like it. I guess growing my hair out a little bit wouldn't kill me.

"Now," he pulls back, his smile wide "I think it's time for bed."

"You mean you don't want to go for another midnight stroll?" I joke. Atem loses his smile and fixes me with a harsh look.

"Kidding." I peel off my sweatshirt and slip off my bra.

"Go to sleep." Atem's tone is part concern part warning.

"Right away." I smile at him and slide into bed, Atem tucks me in and climbs in beside me. He curls himself around.

For the first time in what seems like forever, I don't have a nightmare.

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