Part 3- I Will Never Leave You

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Atem POV

      I take her hands in mine, pulling them away from her. she's curled in on herself.

"Nuni, I'm pushing because I care."

"but why." She almost whines.

"Because you deserve to be cared about." I tell her firmly.

"Others would disagree." She says bitterly.

"Others are wrong and don't deserve you." I can see her struggling with my words. She's aware that she is smart and beautiful but she's not used to anyone else seeing it.

"I know what I am." She whispers, "I know what I deserve and I am going to get it." Her voice has a quiver to it as if she is repeating a mantra to me.

"I'm getting closer every day, I just need to hold out for a little longer."

"You shouldn't have to work toward being loved." I tell her.

"What do you know about what I should and shouldn't have to work for?" she growls at me half-heartedly.

"I've only been with you for a short time but I know what your soul looks like. I know how hard you work and how tired you are." I take her hand in my own. Stiffly she drops her arms and she stands there like the Nuni I've become accustomed to.

"You're going to leave me." She whispers. I take her other hand in mine and pull her close. I drop my forehead to hers and look her in the eye.

"On my honor as a Pharaoh, I will never leave you." I swear it to her and to every god of Egypt.

Her eyes betray her desire to believe my words but her mind is urging her to proceed with caution. I can't blame her.

"And I will spend every day proving it to you." I kiss the top of her head as she relaxes. She pulls back and the weakness and tiredness is gone. She has a smirk on as if she were about to challenge me.

"Now get me out of this puzzle." She orders me "it's time for tea and I have things to do today."

"That's my Nuni." I return her smirk as we return to her bedroom.    

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