Jealous Atem

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Atem had an annoyed look on his face through the whole meal. Tristian somehow claimed the seat beside me, Joey sits on the other side of me and Yugi and Taya on the opposite side of the bench.

"So, how'd you get into dueling?" Yugi asked me over milkshakes.

"It looked fun I guess." I sip my shake. "I don't know really, I guess I was just drawn to it, what about you?"

"My grandpa owns the game shop we were just at so I kind of dabble in everything." Yugi smiles.

let me guess, that's cute too? Atem asks.

You're being a sour puss. I taunt him.

I'm sorry if I don't find this as amusing as you do. He gripes

And why not? I ask.

Because I've just found out that I'm not the cute one he grumbles.

You're just not cute like this kid is, he's all soft looking and you're all... angular I tell him resisting the urge to poke at his cheek bone. I mean dang that thing is sharp.

Please, Nuni, Enlighten me then. He says

About what? I ask

How am I cute but not like this child who looks an awful lot like me. He sits perched on the table with his arms and legs crossed and his jaw set.

Yugi is like soft and delicate and... just cute and you're sharper, a little sturdier and kind of se— I narrow my eyes at him. No, no way. I'm not going to say it because you'll never let me hear the end of it.

Say what? He asks losing the edge to his voice, curiosity shines in his eyes.

"Eh, Nuni." Joey nudges me "what're you looking at?"

"Nothing." I sip my shake "thought I saw a bug or something else annoying."

Tristan waves his hand in front of me, just in front of Atem's face "Don't worry, Nuni!" Tristan says, "I'll get rid of it for you."

Atem grinds his teeth as Tristan continues to swat at him. I suppress a laugh before pushing Tristan back down.

"Thanks, but I can handle a bug on my own." I sit back and Atem is gone.

Atem? I call out for him

Enjoy the cute version of me Atem growls. I have some things to attend to.

What do you mean you 'have things to attend to' I demand you live in a puzzle! I shout at him but there's a strange absence around me. You can't leave me out here with these guys! I try again but there's no response.

"So, what's your favorite card?" Yugi asks me.

"Dark Magician Girl." I reach for the puzzle around my neck and hold it just to feel linked to Atem. I didn't think I'd miss him this quickly.

Atem I call for him again come on, Atem, you're cute too.

"Really?" Yugi smiles from cheek to cheek. "Mines the Dark Magician."

"Hey!" Tristan slaps his hands against the table "I bet a duel between you and Yugi would be epic."

"Yeah!" Joey agrees "Nuni's got some skill and Yugi's a great duelist."

"Maybe another time." I tell him. "Look, I've got to get going."

"Awe, really?" Tristan reaches for my hand. I side step him and nudge Joey out of the seat.

"I'll see you guys around." I wave and dip out before they can try and stop me.

            I hurry down the street and out of their sight.

Atem I snap at him. Get out here now

Are you sure you wouldn't rather talk to Yugi? Atem huffs.

"Are you being so serious right now!" I demand not bothering to speak in my head anymore. He didn't answer me again.

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