Chapter 8

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"Oh and we all know when Thomas is awake and normally we also are aware of his mental state. And we are a bit protective of him." He said. I nod looking down and remembering how this conversation started. I sighed and Princey grabbed my hand.

"Don't turn into your Dad...I appreciate you opening up and having fun and not being a debbie downer..." he whispered as if the others were there. I nod but I knew that I would end up being like my Dad anyway. No matter what I said. I know it's for the best so I don't get hurt and don't bother them. I smile slightly and nod before we said our goodnights and I was left in my room alone with my thoughts.

Playing my thoughts out in 3D models around the room. It was so realistic... I could I have so much power with so little control. I mean my control was getting better but I was still a wild card with it when emotions came around.

I didn't get sleep. It was currently 11am and I was still in my room playing out different scenarios around the room. I heard someone knock on the door. I snap and the door opens a tiny bit.

"Yes?" I call out not taking my eyes off the projection that I had on 'mute'. "Are you alright? You haven't come out of your room all day." Dad asks. "Mmm" I respond and nod letting him know I'm fine. He sighed and laid a plate down.

"Patton asked me to bring this to you..." He said softly and walked away catching the drift that I want to be alone. I wish Roman left something. I thought. I don't know after last night...I thought he'd be a little more worried than he currently is.

Of course he isn't worried.

I knew he was going to leave

I feared it.

But I let him in anyway.

Look where that got me...

The darker thought swarmed. I sigh, getting up and grabbing the plate and sitting back down munching on the brownie and other, appropriate breakfast foods. I bit down and watch Patton say that he regrets worrying about a mistake Anxiety made, like me. How I was just another one making Thomas feel bad instead of Happy.

I sigh and play more scenes until I start to doze off. Until my phone goes off. I pick it up and see;

Prince Added boo! To the chat.

Prince: Are you alright Fear?

boo!: I'm fine Princess-In-Waiting

Prince: I do not like that one...But are you sure. Can I join you and make sure?

boo!: Sure. But Dad doesn't think now's the time for people to see the Dark Sides rooms...Can I crash in yours?

Prince: I'd be honored Royal Void

I rolled my eyes at the nickname before I changed my username.

boo! Has changed their name to 'Royal Void'

Prince has changed their name to 'Prince-In-Waiting

Prince-In-Waiting: Now we'll always remember our first 'real' nickname giving. :D But I prefer Prince-In-Waiting rather to Princess.

Royal Void: Yes we will, Princess. Anyway I'm going to appear in your room. I don't want everyone else seeing me...Is that okay..?

Prince-In-Waiting: But of course! And nooooo!

I again roll my eyes laughing as I sink down. I appear in Roman's room. When I finally take a moment to look around and see Roman smiling at me. I return a small smile and look down.

"Are you alright Fear?" he asked out softly. I shook my head slightly to focus back in. "Uh...Yeah. I'm fine I've just been doing this thing..." I say softly. Roman gently guides me to his bed to sit down. He lifts my head up slightly to look at him.

"Can you show me?" He asks. I hesitate by nod slowly and softly. I focus on the center of his room to make another 3D model of a feared action. I see a figure of me and the other sides. They're inaudible. Roman looks at me then back to the projections confused.

Once Patton, Dad, and Logan's figures leave the projection I make them audible. "What's wrong with you?" 3D Roman asks. 3D me shrugs "Nothing Princey" I sigh. "Sure doesn't seem like nothing. You're scaring Thomas badly and worse than you normally do. You only cause him pain. How could anyone love you back?" he hissed.

Word Count: 712

My Dark Strange Dad ~Adopted By AnxietyWhere stories live. Discover now