Chapter 5

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I put my phone down smiling once again. Staring up at my ceiling and my room before snapping and it turning it into 5 sections representing everyone else's fears but they fade into one another and compliment each other. I smile at my work before there's another knock at my door.

"Fear....It's Dad. Let me inside...Please?" I snap my fingers opening the door without leaving my Dad's section of my room. Once he's in the door slams shut again. He is hesitant to come over to me. "They won't touch you, don't worry about it." I hissed.

He sighed. "Princey was out of line. I told you it would happen..." I whipped around the whole room turning into his section. "You didn't think you'd tell me any of this before you sprung everything on me! I was planning on going back! Everyone returned me! Why didn't you!?" I cry. I noticed him struggling to stay calm while he approached me.

I jumped back. "I'm a monster! Don't touch me!" I yelled. He stayed where he was but whispered something. "My jacket..." I saw that he had a smile on his face. The room had changed again, but it wasn't any of the sides. It was mine. I started freaking out and the room kept warping.

Dad tried to calm me down. "Shhh hey it's okay..." his voice sounded demonic so I made us appear in the commons so my room didn't affect him anymore. Everyone stared at me. Once I was calm, Patton ran up and hugged me while Dad and Logan were whispers yelling something I couldn't hear to Roman.

Dad walked over to Roman. "Fear..?" I look at him with anger in my eyes. "I want to say I apologize for my harsh words earlier. I had no right, this is already so hard on you," he said as he placed his hand on my arm. Right on the spider carvings causing me to hiss in pain.

Dad looked at me with wide eyes. "You- You didn't...?" I shook my head no. "Nothing like that!" I say rather loudly. Patton lifted my sleeve revealing the spider carvings. I look down confused. Logan noticed the colours "Every time they scare us a spider in our colour appears..." Logan said more to himself than to us.

Dad was at my side as Patton looked at Logan then to me. "That's kind of cool!" Patton said trying to lighten the mood, before looking back at my arm seeing the blue spider. "When did they scare me!?" Patton sounded upset. "Movie night...I picked out a movie knowing it would scare you especially because your fears are someone getting hurt intentionally more so than unintentionally, though both will work..." I whisper. Patton nods understanding. "I forgive you." He whispers.

I smile before remembering that Roman was also scared. I looked at him and he whispers. "I know I deserved it but I don't think I can forgive you just yet Scaredy-Cat." He said, sinking down. Leaving me there in shock and my big ol' tub of self-hate.

Dad rubbed my back comforting me. "Give him time. He'll come around," he said softly. "How do you know that though?" I ask weakly. "He used a nickname," Dad smirked causing me to laugh, feeling slightly better about the situation.

I nodded and asked if we could watch a movie, Dad, and Child. Patton tried to step up as the dad and I specified that I meant Anxiety, following by a nod from Patton sinking down to his room. We picked Black Cauldron and he made a blanket fort which was way better than mine and we enjoyed the movie until I slept.

I wake up to my phone going off. I go to grab it when I realize that I'm in my room. I shrugged. Dad must've brought me back I think. I grab my phone seeing the group chat going off.

Boo!: Who added me back...?

EmoNightmare: me

Logan: It would only be logical for you to be here. Seeing as you are a part of Thomas.

Dad: Logan! Try and be nice

Boo!: its fine pat

Logan: And somehow your grammar just got worse than Anxiety's.

My Dark Strange Dad ~Adopted By AnxietyWhere stories live. Discover now