Chapter 3

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"What about her part of it...?" dad whispers. Logic looks at him, confused at first but then realizing. "To Thomas, she shall become another he, but to us, we will remember that she is indeed and she. But it all depends on what she thinks when she wakes up. So for the first few days to months afterward I suggest they/them/their pronouns whilst they figure everything out." Logic states matter of factly.

I nod, ready to begin but too nervous to speak. "Wait! One more question..." I speak up this time. "Would I lose my Anxiety too...?" I ask nervously. Logan nods sympathetically. Morality approaches me.

"If you want kiddo we could teach you how to summon your personalities to meet and say goodbye to them...?" he offered. I nod, "That would be great." I smile nodding. Morality gestures everyone to move out of their spots so my personality could stand there.

Morality guided me through the steps of summoning him and eventually a silly version of me rises up. "Hi!" she says rather loudly but not forceful. I wave at her and nod as I move on to summoning my creativity. Soon a colorful me pops up dramatically like Princey does. Princey smiles at her and I wave as Logic begins to instruct me on 'him'. A nicely dressed me in a formal dress appears, nodding her head to greet me as I do the same looking to my Dad ready to summon my, him.

It was more nerve-wracking to summon Anxiety than the others because it was meeting a version similar to my Dad and then after her, I would have to tell them all that I'm basically killing them. The thought killed me. A darkly dressed me popped up, unlike the others rising. I was about to question it before I remembered Dad was the same way. I could ask him about it later.

I nod at the darkly dressed persona, only to be greeted with a taunting smirk. I look at the sides with sadness as they look back with curiosity and wonder. I didn't think I could tell them. I look to Roman for help because he could never stop talking.

He shook his head letting me know he can't but gave me a smile letting me know everything is okay. I look at my sides again. I take a deep breath. "Hey, I need to tell you something..." I sigh nervously. Anxiety seemed to be nervous too.

"Of course! You can tell us anything!" my Fanciful side said. I took a deep breath holding Dad's hand and giving it a small squeeze. He squeezed back and I smiled. "I'm becoming a part of Thomas' personality..." I say softly, looking down. I can feel their eyes, wide on me.

"But...What about us!?" I hear my Morality whine worriedly. I shrugged and gestured to Logic. "We'd turn into more of her emotions rather than personality traits," she said softly but in a flat tone as always. I nod my head, hearing Princey sigh looking at the traits.

"Look," he started. "You'll still be apart of her! It's not like you're being slain," he said in an attempt to make them feel better. Logan sighs seeing my Logic nodding before taking a breath in to speak.

"What aspect of Thomas should she turn into?" she asked logically trying to figure out how they'd adjust. "She'd definitely turn into a Dark Side since she's Anxiety's child, but we aren't sure which trait yet..." Princey says.

Surprisingly my Anxiety hasn't spoken up about this. I look at her and see that she's nodding. "Do it," she says. "Be with your new dad..." every one of my sides protests in response before she cuts them off again. "I've always aimed to protect you from losing someone you care about. But if we stop you now...You'll lose them." she gestures to my new family. I smile and nod before running up and hugging her.

She tenses but hugs back. I smile as I pull back. "You can voice your concerns too, you know..." I tell her seeing my other sides practically begging her to talk me out of a decision for once in my life.

She looks at me questioningly before shrugging. "What if it goes wrong? What if you die? Or worse! Thomas gets hurt, conflicting pain onto them as well!?" she started frantically talking about Thomas' sides.

I felt sad how easily the questions popped into her head. "It's fine...Anxiety, Logan has run through the numbers countless times to ensure everyone's safety." I reassured her at first trying to call her a name.

"Egil..." She said. I look at her confused. "You should know our names before we become emotions," she said softly. "Well if this will help I shall partake also. My name is Cato." my logical side said.

I recognized these names to accent Greek, Roman, Hindu etc. or something like that. "Well, then I'm Almus!" Morality yelled causing me to chuckle seeing everyone jump. I look at my Princess expecting a dramatic name from her as well.

"AND I'M ALLEGRA!" Princess yelled boldly as if she were ready to save the day. Causing me to laugh. "Well, I LOVE all of your names!" I enphiesed love and all for Egil's anxiety.

I smile as I say goodbye to my sides as we begin the Transfer. I feel dizzy and grab on to Dad for support before Morality runs up also helping me asking Logan, rather loudly, what's happening. All I can remember is Logan saying that he thinks this is what is supposed to happen but he didn't have enough data in the past to know for sure.

I woke up and immediately thought of a name but ignored it pushing it away, knowing what it was. I look around and see that I look like Thomas and his traits. I look around and see that I'm laying on a dark couch that had a bunch of spiders on it. Not fake ones but real, crawling spiders. I jump up and look around quickly.

My head hurt almost instantly. I put a hand on my head before hearing someone announce "Oh! You're up!" I jump at the sudden loudness of Princey's voice. I look at him frantically, before he attempted to call me down. "Hey.....How are you?" he asked clearly not that comfortable. "Who am I?" I asked, ignoring the fear in my system. Princey winced as if he was expecting me not to ask. "Roman..?" I ask more serious and demanding of an answer.

Roman looked down. "Don't you want to see the others first?" Roman asked trying to put it off. I nod my head, scared to see them. "Sure, but we will talk about this Roman," I said with a demanding tone. Roman nods his head before guiding me to another room. The spiders stayed on the couch as if they didn't dare to leave.

I saw Logan, Patton, and my Dad sitting at the table drinking something out of cups. Roman boldly announces "Alright sad sacks and worry warts we're here!" everyone chuckled before asking if I was okay. I nod my head. "I'm fine, just... I don't know why, but freaked out, nervous, or even scared." I sigh. Anxiety whips his head to Roman. "You didn't tell them!?" he asked.

Roman raised his hands in surrender, "You try telling them the news!" Roman hissed in his defense. Patton immediately interfered "Easy now kiddos. We can all tell them the news!" he said trying to sound cheerful as always.

"Tell me. Please?" I asked them, causing them to look at me. "I mean you'll have to call me by it until I tell you my name, anyway. Right?" I ask, receiving nods from the personality traits.

Anxiety put his hand on my shoulder, while Roman and Logan sat me down and Patton rushed to my side comforting me. Normally it would've calmed me down, but it didn't helpfully. I look at them even more scared and nervous now.

Logic looked at me, he looked at Morality then to me. "You represent Thomas' Fears since you took Anxiety's traits." Logic explained. I looked at my dad. "So we have to work together to work at all, kind of?" I asked, causing Logic to answer.

"Not exactly. You can work without Anxiety just not the other way around." Logan smirked at Anxiety. Anxiety rolled his eyes. "Fine by me just some more time with my child." he smiled. I looked at them freaked out.

"So I can hurt Thomas?" I asked my voice raising slightly. Princey sighed and nodded before being interrupted by Logic, "Not exactly, without you or Anxiety he would probably be dead or in a very terrible, near death, state by now." Logic stated, making me feel slightly better.

Word Count: 1452

My Dark Strange Dad ~Adopted By AnxietyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя