Chapter 4

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Anxiety offered to show me my room since it had changed to match my personality trait. I nod and follow him making sure no one else followed so they wouldn't know where the Dark Sides rooms were.

Once we arrived at my room I noticed the door was black with a slight shade of dark purple. It had spiders crawling on everything but around the handle, so I could open it. I opened the door and walked inside to see the same kind of design as Anxiety's room but with more of Thomas' Fears.

The ground is even made of, probably thick, glass showing the depths of the ocean. "Well can't let Morality in here." I huffed noticing Dad's nervousness in the room also. I gently guide him out of the room to help calm him down.

Anxiety thanks me and I tell him that it's okay. "Hey, you wanna join the others for movie night tonight?" I ask. He looks at me "There's a movie night tonight?" he asks. I laugh "No but we can ask the others and have one." I smirked devilishly.

Anxiety laughed and nodded his head. "I need to teach you how to sink anyway." he sighed before instructing me how to sink to appear in the commons. Before we sunk down, he was halfway down, I call his name and he pops back up.

"Yeah?" he called back confused. "Why do only certain sides 'appear'?" I ask remembering my Anxiety popping in and how he used to. "Oh....Well the Dark Sides, as Roman named them, appear until Thomas grows comfortable with them and they grow comfortable with teamwork. Like me, for example, Thomas didn't become comfortable with me and constantly wanted me to go away. And I never wanted to be hated on so I hated them and myself." Anxiety explained.

I nod my head and held up a pointer finger. "What about me...?" I asked nervously. "It'll probably be the same for you but I will always be here for and with you as a fellow Dark Side and your Father." he comforted.

I smiled and nodded my head letting him know that I'm done and we could sink down and start the movie night. It was a new feeling that I had experienced and I felt lightheaded and nauseous but I still managed to pull through, appearing in the Commons and greeting Logic and Morality. I nod to say hello once they noticed me.

"Salutations, Fear." greeted Logan. I winced at the name and Morality thought Logan did something so he nudged him before greeting me himself. "Hello Kiddo!" he smiled as he waved energetically. I smiled and waved back but half-heartedly.

I noticed Anxiety had left. "He must've gone to ask Roman..." I say more to myself. "Ask Roman what, Kiddo!?" Patton practically screamed. "If we all could do a movie night, tonight...?" I asked them. "We have to celebrate you being made somehow!" Patton said as if it were obvious. Logan nodded. "I wouldn't mind a movie night in order to make Fear feel welcome to the mind palace." Logic said very plainly.

I again, winced at the name still adjusting to the new name. It made me feel like I wasn't liked. But my proper name wasn't normal, beyond any means. Logic stood up as if he was going to input more. "We could also do something tomorrow, as it's the day that you're meeting Thomas. For what, to him, seems to be the first time." He stated plainly once again but softer this time.

I stood there, not able to process what he had just said. "He...Doesn't...Remember me..?" I asked slowly. Logan looked at me while Patton rushed to try and make me feel better. "It would appear that way, yes," Logan said boredly as if I were a child unable to understand it.

I got mad at this, I didn't know why I did but it took over. All I remember is a flash of purple and black and Logan's shocked face while dad was trying to calm me down. "You know not everyone can be as emotionless as you Logan!" I shouted. I didn't even notice the room's appearance change. It looked like everything that Logan would fear.

My Dark Strange Dad ~Adopted By AnxietyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant