Chapter 16//The new puppy

Start from the beginning

Underneath the tree was a little puppy, it was a fluffy white puppy with a mixture of dark brown and light brown patches of fur. It was so small with the cutest eyes.

"Hey let's bring it back home, feed it and then tomorrow we can bring it to the vet." Luke suggested.

"Sure that sounds good, but how are we supposed to carry it back?" Calum asked.

Luke took off his jumper and carefully wrapped the puppy in it, making sure not to hurt its wounded paw. They brought it home talking all of the way of its cuteness and petting it softly. Calum texted Ashton and told him what they found and to go to the pet shop to buy puppy food.

"Hello." Luke almost whispered walking into the house.

"Awww it's so cute!" Lucy's eyes lit up running up to the injured puppy.

"Where did you find the puppy?" Lucy asked.

They told her the story, while she petted the puppy.

"Did Michael go with Ashton to the pet shop?" Calum asked.

"Yep they left a couple of minutes ago." Lucy smiled.

"Hey it's 7pm and we have all of the bedrooms painted, lets find some blankets to make the puppies bed." Luke suggested.

"Well we do have a cabinet full of blankets and cushions so that won't be a problem." Lucy smirked.

She grabbed two big blankets and a cushion from the cabinet, ran into the kitchen and took out the first aid kit.

"Where did you get the first aid kit?" Calum asked.

"Yeah we never bought one." Luke said not taking his eyes off the puppy.

"Liz knew you wouldn't buy one so she bought us one." Lucy smirked and took out the bandages.

The puppy was licking its paw while it cried.

"Here let me do it." Luke smiled taking the bandages from Lucy who was struggling with it, he carefully wrapped it around the puppies wounded paw.

"There." Luke finishing of the bandage, he poured it a bowl of water and it drank quietly.

Eventually Ashton and Michael arrived with the puppy food.

"We didn't know which one to get." Ashton said carrying a big bag full of dog food.

"Awww the puppy" Michael squeaked running up to Luke who was still rubbing the puppy trying to calm it down, "aww the poor puppy it's so cute and cuddly." Michael ranted on picking up the puppy and hugging it.

"It looks like someone abandoned it under the tree not wanting it to return" Luke explained his theory to us "and then injuring it to make sure it never came back." He said with a sigh.

"Jeez that's terrible." Ashton said in disgust.

"Animal abuse is terrible." Michael said shaking his head slowly.

Lucy couldn't understand why somebody would do that it's terrible too do such a thing to an innocent animal. And how could they do it with its cute eyes just staring at you.

"Hey guys! I arranged a nice cosy bed with the blankets for the puppy!" Michael shouted from the sitting room.

"Well I think we'll be sleeping in the sitting room tonight." Calum sighed walking down the stairs.

"Why?" Lucy asked.

"Well none of the walls are dry and we don't have our mattresses upstairs." Calum shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

Luke poured a bowl full of puppy food for the puppy and they all watched as the puppy ate its food.

"Aww it so cute!" Michael squealed.

"I could just pick it up and squeeze it to death!" Ashton squeaked.

"Okay what movie do ya wanna watch." Calum yawned.

"Dunno but I know who's making the dinner." Lucy yawned too, and she pointed at Luke.

"I'm gonna make us some spag bol also know as SPAGHETTI BOLOGNESE!" Luke shouted. "and Lucy's gonna help me, aren't you Lucy?" Luke grinned tapping her nose lightly.

"Yep daddy." Lucy smiled.

And they ran into the new kitchen no one has used it yet since they moved in.

"So... Ingredients we went shopping a few days ago and I think we have all of the ingredients" Luke smiled taking out the pots and pans "first we wash our hands" Luke instructed.

"Neat freak!" Michael shouted from the sitting room.

"Shut up Michael!" Luke shouted back, "so now we must boil the kettle, put on the stove and get the mince out."

After a long time cooking in the kitchen Lucy and Luke finally came out of the kitchen with five plates of spaghetti bolognese.

"Finally I'm starving." Michael complained.

"You're always hungry." Ashton groaned.

"Oh hush you'll live." Luke glared at Michael.

All of us ate our dinner while we finished the end of 'Wall-E' and 'Shrek.' ( :) ).

The puppy was asleep snuggled up to Lucy. Lucy was asleep too. While Calum and Michael fought over the fairy lights.





They whispered fiercely trying not to wake Lucy or the puppy.


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