Even this early there were still numerous bodies filling the halls. Except as soon as they notice your presence, their bodies instantly move away as if the lockers on the side were magnets, pulling them in.

You mentally curse to yourself. But then you decided to roll away any self-conscious thoughts with your eyes and focus on finding your locker.

You never really cared what people thought of you so why start now?

Refusing to look anyone in the eye, you continue to walk forward with a head held high. Passing the strangers until you spot a locker where no one was crowding around it, you approach it with a sense of relief.

With difficulty, you enter the code with your fingers scrambling on the lock that you weren't used to and swing open your door.

"Hey, may I ask why-OW!"

The audible voice behind your locker door comes to a sudden stop as it hits the speaker right in the face. You had barely noticed anyone approaching you.

"Oh shit." you curse, loudly. Your fingers fly to the door only to reveal a young man massaging his forehead with his delicate fingers.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there," you say, in panicking tone.

When he drops his hand he reveals his glistening features that send a small shock through you. His face was a kind one with soft and unique features that could possibly make anyone fall in love with.

His grimace disappears in an instant and he cracks a beautiful smile at you. 

"Don't sweat about it." he delivers, he points towards to your locker "I was just wondering why you were trying to get into my locker?"

You raise your eyebrows, glancing between him and your locker.

"Uh, honey. It says here on my timetable that I own this locker for the year."

He's slightly surprised by your attitude and you once again curse at yourself, knowing you should be speaking formally.

He grabs the door, his eyes dropping to inspect the number. He pulls out a pair of rounded thin-framed glasses and places them upon his small nose, eyes squinting closely.

His eyebrows separate, releasing the rest of his face from his frown "Ah, my bad!"

He cheesily smiles at you in apology as he backs away. You can't help but smile back at him, finding his guilty face cute.

"I'm Hoseok, by the way."

"Y/N" you mutter your name in response.

His fingers work at the lock of the locker next to you, opening and retrieving books from it. "So you new here? I don't think I've seen you around here before."

"Uh yeah." you reply, preparing yourself for the conversation that was about to happen "I moved here from LA last month."

He pauses just like you expected and turns to look at you with his eyes widened a bit "LA? That's so cool!" he exclaims, his smile bursting out once again " That's where Hollywood is, right? You're doing the acting course?"

You shake your head with a small smile "Nah, I'm more of a dancer."

"Oh god, even better," Hoseok says, his eyes shimmering with fascination. "You must be incredibly talented. Everyone here looks up to LA dancers."

You nod in appreciation "Guess I'm lucky then."

Hoseok nods back and doesn't hesitate to keep talking "Which is why I also gotta ask," he continues, his face increasing in curiosity "Why would you move back here then? Especially in only the last year of the course?"

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