Chapter 7

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-Luke's POV-

I've done many, many stupid things in my life. I dislocated my brother's pinky with my butt, closed the car door on my fingers and most recently, walked through sand without shoes on and stepped on a piece of glass. I walked on crutches for a week after that.

But this was by far the worst thing I'd done.

I know a lot of people that have embarrassed themselves by farting in public or calling out the wrong answer. The embarrassment would last for a few minutes or hours and everything would forget about it soon enough.

That was nothing compared to how embarrassed I was right now.

I blinked a few times, quite extravagantly must I say, to make sure that I was imagining things.


There in front of me stood Alex and Dylan as well as their parents. Well I guess I was they were all my brethren now.

"Hey Luke!" Dylan said and walked into the house. "Nice house." He commented and with that he'd disappeared deeper into the mess that I called my home.

"Hi, I'm Luke." I said trying to recover from my recent outburst.

"We know." Peter grinned.

"Oh God," I muttered. "Come in." I am literally the worst person in the world.

I moved away from and let them in. Where on earth is my family when I actually need them?

I quickly moved in front of them and began to lead them into the living room when I spotted someone's stray boxer laying on the floor. Quickly, I grabbed it and chucked in into a room, closing the door behind me.

I heard a small giggle coming from behind me and I didn't need to turn around to see who it was coming from.

Inside, I saw Ben and Jack laughing away with Dylan. When on earth did they get here? And how did I not notice them come in?

I assumed that they had heard about my embarrassing moment because they laughed at me as soon as they saw me. I cringed, not really wanting to think about it and certainly not wanting anyone else to know about my mistake.

A few minutes later, dad came back from work and he started talking to Peter which, in all honesty, took a shitload of attention away from me.

We talked for a bit; well they talked and I stayed well away from any form of conversation. 


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Relief washed over me as mum called me to the kitchen to help set up the table. As much as I tried to avoid it, the whole room which I was in before was just brimming with awkwardness. Everyone was reasonably cautious around Peter after his recent health scare and he was well aware of it.

I set out the plates and cutlery as mum carried out everything else. She called everyone over to the table as I was still carrying out the last of the spoons. 

By the time I'd set everything down, there were only two spots left. One was in between Ben and Peter and the other was beside Alex. I dived for the seat next to Ben, but because I am a foul, foul person and that thing called luck doesn't exist in my life, Jack got there before me. 

He gave me a quick smile and slipped onto the seat, acting as though nothing had happened. That sly little bitch.

I made my way over to the only seat left over, trying to not look disappointed or upset. After all, I just have to sit next to her for a few hours. What could possibly go wrong?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2014 ⏰

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