Chapter 6

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-Luke's POV-

I stood there, dumbstruck, in front of Alex. Who -might I mention- was a girl. And not just any girl. She was the Alex. My Alex...

"Hi, I'm Alex, short for Alexis." She said and gave us an awkward little wave.

"H-hi," I said breathlessly. Real smooth Luke. Now she probably thinks that you're utterly retarded.

It all made sense now. Why I'd seen her at the hospital that night. Well I thought that it was her. I only put the pieces together less than a minute ago. When I was finished with being an idiot.

"So," she clapped her hands together. "Do you guys need any help or are you just dying to move all those boxes?"

"Do some work for once in your life." Dylan joked and went back to moving the boxes. "Where does mum want these boxes anyway?"

'She said to put them all in the alfresco and then we'll figure out what to do with them. Meanwhile, I'm going to put my guns to use." She flexed her muscles and started moving the boxes.

"Yeah, your non-existent guns." Dylan retorted and ran off before Alex could get her hands on him.

Moving the boxes was a hard task. But trying to avoid Alex was even worse. She probably did recognise me and was acting like she didn't. And if she didn't realise that I was the random who kissed her out of nowhere two years ago, she definitely knew that something was up.

After countless attempts to dodge her every time she came near me, I decided that avoiding her wasn't going to get me anywhere and I decided to just stop being childish.

Sure enough, the moment that she tried to talk me again, I basically vanished into thin air and wasn't seen by anyone for around 20 minutes.

Yes I'm a coward. Got a problem with that?


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By the time we had finished moving all the boxes into the alfresco, it was around four in the afternoon. We'd ordered pizza for lunch and it was more than awkward when Ben told me to go and help Alex carry all the boxes.

Basically, Alex carried all three boxes and I followed her like a lost dog. She didn't try and talk to me again all afternoon and when we finally finished she disappeared without even saying bye. I mean, why would she even want to?

I started to head home as soon as we had moved all of the boxes, not caring if Ben and Jack had come with me. I took the long way home; walking along the beach for a good half an hour.

I raced up the driveway, nearly falling flat on my face because of the uneven pavement.

The house was dark and ominous when I got in. All of the lights had been turned off and all the blinds had been shut. Compared to how bright it was outside it was outside; this place seemed very... shady.

The only sound that I could hear was the light humming that was coming from the fridge.

This better not be another fucking surprise party. I still wasn't over the shock of the last one and it had already been a week since.

When I walked into the kitchen, I saw mum chopping vegetables relentlessly and putting chicken into the oven.

"What are doing?" I asked.

She jumped up and put her heand over her heart. "God Luke! You really have to stop sneaking up on me like that." She looked around and said, "I didn't realise that it had gotten so dark."

"It isn't dark, you've just got all the blinds down. And why on earth are you making this much food?" I gestured to all of the food that was either sitting on the table or cooking away. Although there were four guys in the family, we didn't need that much food. I mean, we weren't fucking pigs.

"We have guests for dinner Luke. Can you please go and set the table. I have a hundred other things to do." She sighed and went back to her chopping.

I quickly got out the plates and cutlery, and wasted no time setting everything out. After I'd done that, I took a quick shower and shrugged on an old All Time Low shirt along with a pair of balck skinny jeans.

I spent about half an hour mucking around before Calum texted me about a video chat that we had with management. After quickly logging onto Skype, I accepted the video chat from management and soon I could see the faces of my three bandmates. This was probably the first time management had ever been late; for anything.

"Hey Luke, you should come with us to Josh's party tonight." Calum asked.

"I can't man. We have someone coming over for dinner and I have to stay home tonight. I swear I'll come with you guys if you've got anything on tomorrow." I replied.

"Yeah, no. That's fine. I'll ask Ashton if there are going to be any good parties on tomorrow." He said. "Wait, I think John's coming on."

Within a second, the head of our management tem, John was staring daggers at us through the screen. He liked making it clear at every meeting that he was the boss. So even if Calum ran around with a cloak on and a stick in his hand yelling, "I killed Dumbledore," he old guy wouldn't even crack a grin. It was like the wind changed and he was stuck looking like a grumpy 40-year-old man with no wife or kids. It was quite sad actually.

"Sorry I'm late boys, it's 12 o'clock midnight." John said. He looked around a room which seemed like a bedroom. "Stupid time difference." He muttered.

"You boys don't have any international events until the end of February when your holiday officially ends. Of course you'll have interviews once in a while. We can't have you going completely incognito on holiday. Make sure you tweet often; just make sure your fans your know your alive and well.

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