Chapter 5

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-Luke's POV-

It had been a week since we had arrived and at the moment, all four of us were sprawled out across Ashton's couch eating chips and popcorn while watching the Thor: The Dark World. I was sitting at an awkward angle on the couch with Ashton sitting on my legs and the rest of my body stretched across Calum. That probably looked so weird.

It also hurt like hell. I'd ignored what the doctor had said about staying on my crutches for two weeks. I ditched them a few days ago when I decided that i could go without them.

But putting all of that aside, there was one thing that had been on my mind for the past few days. Actually it was a few things.

Her long, flowing brown hair. Those bright hazel eyes. Everything about her sparked a vivid and intriguing memory in my mind.

But why was she here? And out of all the places that I could've ran into her, why did it have to be at a hospital? Putting aside all of the questions that were racing through my head, I brought my attention back to the movie which was nearly finished. As soon as Thor walked away from Odin, I jumped off the couch and stretched a bit. I was about to walk away to find something to eat when someone yanked my wrist back and fell back onto the couch.

"You have to watch until the very end. There's always some extra scene or something at the end." Calum said behind me. I groaned and then made myself comfortable on the again. And that was how I ended up watching the second Thor movie up until the very. But it turned out that Calum was right. There was a scene at the very end. On some sort of spaceship with these weird as people and some random ugly dude called The Collector.

We sat there for a while. In complete and utter silence until Ashton's mum walked into the room and saw us.

"Luke, your mother called saying that she needs you to do something for her." She said and then walked out of of the room.

I got up and brushed off a few pieces of popcorn that were stuck on my shirt.

"I'll see you guys later." I grabbed my phone off the table and jogged towards to the door. I was just about to reach for the door when Calum yelled my name.

I leaned back and looked to the guys. "What?"

"Turn off the TV." Ashton yelled from somewhere on the couch.

I laughed to myself. "Bye!"


✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦


I walked home with my ear pods in and blasted I Miss You by Blink-182 as a way of tuning the rest of the world out. By the time the song had finished, I was standing outside of my house. I started waking down the pavement towards the door when I noticed a large wad of envelopes that had been awkwardly crammed into the mailbox.

After tugging them out of the mailbox, I shuffled through them to see who they were from; Telstra, Commonwealth Bank, Origin Energy and also a few that were just plain white envelopes.

I took my key out of my pocket and unlocked the door to be warmly welcomed by the scent of freshly baked cookies and delicious meat.

"Mum! Where are you?" I yelled after not finding her in the kitchen making the food that my stomach so dearly longed for.

"I'm out here hun!" She hollered back from what seemed to be the backyard. I walked out into the deck outside only to find her crouched down pulled weeds put of the ground.

I sneaked up on her and quickly grabbed her by the shoulders making her shriek.

"You should've seen your face!" I laughed, hunching over.

"That wasn't funny Luke." She said sternly. "Keep this up and I'll end up having a heart attack like Peter did."

"Peter had a heart attack?"

"Yeah. Around last week. His kids flew in from Los Angeles and London. By the looks of it, they're probably going to be staying until the end of February."

"That's like four months. Any idea why they're staying that long?"

" I don't really know but I reckon it's probably be-because-" She faltered and I immediately knew that she was trying to hide something.

"Because what mum? Because what?" I said, eager to know what she was holding back from telling me. "Tell me." I whined.

"Because they think it might happen again." She finally said it a hushed tone. All of a sudden, I felt guilty for egging her on and making her tell me. I could imagine how horrible it would be for someone so close to have a health scare like that.

"So why did you call for me when I was at Ashton's?" I asked, trying to change the topic.

"I was just wondering if you could pop over to help Cara and Peter with moving some of their furniture in. Your brothers have gone down to help but I doubt that they can do it all on their own. Although, Alex and Dylan should be there."

"Who are Alex and Dylan?" I hadn't heard of them before and if I had known them, mum would've probably mentioned them by now.

"They're Peter's kids. You can still go if you want to. Their house is the end of the street. Big red brick house. You'll see it once you get close."

And with that, I was already heading towards the end of our street. It's not like I had anything better to do anyway.


✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦


I scrolled through my twitter feed, and tripped over the pavement a fair few times because I wasn't paying attention on what was in front of me. Soon enough, I was standing infront of a two-storey house with a large moving van parked on the driveway.

I walked further up and found both Ben and Jack talking infront of a pile of boxes that looked like they had just been dumped there.

"Hey guys." I nodded and walked upto them.

"Hey," They turned back and continued their conversation.

"You can't just ignore someone that flew an atrocious 16 hours to see you." I said acting hurt.

"Grow up you big baby." Jack shoved me and walked across the garage to pick up one of many boxes that had been placed there.

"How are we going to move all of these boxes." Ben said, feeling exhausted just by looking at the gargantuan pile.

"Aren't Peter's kids here?" I asked. Didn't they know about this?

"So that's who they were. I think I saw Dylan a few minutes ago- there he is." Jack pointed at a tall figure who'd just come into the garage.

"You guys look like you could use an extra hand." He chuckled and began moving some of the boxes.

We were halfway through moving the boxes when I realised that something was missing... More like someone.

"Hey, where's Alex?" I asked curiously.

"Speaking of the devil." Dylan had his eyes fixed on a spot above my shoulder.

I followed his eyes and turned around.

Well shit.



Words: 1221

I'm so so so so so so so sorry that I took that long to update. I am the worst person ever coz it's been like 1 month since the last update. I've been trying to write about something interesting and when I finnaly found some inspiration, I didn't know how to put it into words. I've got the next few chapters sort of planned out in my head so the next update should be in about 2 weeks tops.

Please Vote and give me some advice on my writing. I won't know what the problem is until you tell me.

Peace in the M.E! (Middle East)

Bye for nowwwwww! XD

PS. Luke's reaction when he turns around on the side or the start of the chapter if you're reading it on your phone. :D

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