Chapter 4

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-Luke's POV-


Lots of blood.

It was pretty much all I could see gushing out of my leg. Well not gushing, but you know what I mean.

At first it was just a trickle but soon it started to seep out of the piece of cloth I was holding over it.

I tried to hop over to a nearby post and I would've fallen if Calum wasn't right behind me. After ringing Ashton, he convinced someone to lend us their car so that we could drive to hospital.

I tried to convince myself that it wasn't that bad but who was I kidding. That thing would need at least ten stitches. And I'd be hopping around on crutches for at least two weeks. This is literally the last thing I need.

A while later Michael and Ashton pulled up in a minivan that looked as if it would fall apart any second.

"I'd rather walk that get I this death trap." I said as Calum nudged me into the van. This was going to be one hell of a ride.


✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦


The journey was bad enough with my throbbing foot but just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, Michael and Ashton starting to think that it was a brilliant idea to start poking my poor foot. The fact that they were sitting on either side of me didn't make anything better.

We pulled into the drive-thru section of the emergency ward. I saw that my foot had swollen up even more than before. I turned towards the door to get out but failed miserably and fell straight into Michael's back.

I held onto his shoulder and heaved myself up. We made our way to the waiting room and Calum went to the reception to sign me in. He talked to the lady at the desk then turned around and pointed at me and went back to talking.

I sunk down in my chair remembering the last time I was in the ER. I was about 13 and Ben had torn a ligament in his lower leg from playing footy. It took forever for them to fix him up and by the time we left it was already midnight. We were pretty pissed that we had to wait that long but the only thing that Ben was pissed about was the fact that he couldn't play footy for about a month.

We finally got called up and I limped into a room further down the hallway. I knocked on the door and opened it when I heard a faint "come in."

The nurse saw all five of us and shook her head.

"Only the patient and a friend or guardian are allowed in this room." She said in a stern voice.

"I'll go with him. You guys can go home or something." Calum said and walked into the room.

They turned around and walked back down the hallway and went into the room and closed the door behind me.

I hopped over to a chair and sat down as the nurse started to ask me questions.

"How did you get your wound?" She asked looking down at the paper in her hand.

"I stepped in a piece of glass on the beach."

"Can I take a look at it?" She asked and I nodded.

She motioned for me to lay down on the makeshift bed in the corner of the room. She took my foot in her hands and started examining it. She poked and prodded at it but froze when I started laughing. She raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm ticklish." I said giggling. Yes giggling. Like a little girl.

I swear by the time she was done looking at my foot, she wanted to murder me. Every once in while, I would reach down and scratch my foot or lean over it so she couldn't see anything or make some sort of horrible joke.

She walked over to her computer to type in something and then grabbed a syringe and a few others things. After setting them down on a table next to me, she came around and started to clean the blood and sand around the cut.

"You're going to need about 8 stitches. I have a local anaesthetic that I can give you if you want it but if you don't then-"

I cut her off by saying that I wanted the anaesthetic.

Overall, it wasn't really that bad. I talked to Calum the whole time and she didn't make any noise as she stitched me up.

"You shouldn't put any pressure on it for two weeks so you can choose to get crutches. You also have to come back in three weeks so get your stitches removed and you'll be good to go."


✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦


Walking on crutches was weird. No scratch that. It was extremely weird. Especially when you've walked on your own two feet for your whole life. It's kind of like using two sticks as your legs. But you still have legs? Does that make any sense?

Calum and I walked out of the room and back into the waiting room only to find Michael and Ashton fast asleep and sprawled across the seats.

I walked up to them and nudged them with one of my crutches but neither of them showed any sign of life. I poked them one again, only this time it was a lot harder.

As soon as I pulled my crutches away, Ashton put his hands up to try and protect himself.

He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"I thought you guys went home already." Calum said as he shook Michael's shoulder.

"Nup. We wanted to see Lukey-boy here on his sacred crutches." Ashton smirked while trying to grab one of Luke's crutches. "Oh and by the way, how many stitches?"

"Eight excruciatingly painful stitches. They were just having a go at my foot." I said.

"I want to meet whoever did this and give them a high-five."

"I don't really think they'd be very kind to you and they're trained professionals you dipshit. They had anaesthetics and everything." I said in my most serious voice.

Slowly, Michael got up and stretched a bit. Then he joined us and we started walking towards to the exit.

I smiled as I watched Calum and Ashton pushing against each other as well as Michael fixing his hair. This is literally what were only a few years. A bunch of misfits with a dream that everyone thought was crazy.

And look where we are now. But none of this would have happened if one single moment was different. Where would we be if Louis hadn't shared one of our videos? Where would we be if we hadn't said yes to be the opening act? Where would we be if we were having arguments every two seconds?

Would anything be different? I reckon it would.

I laughed along with Michael as Calum tried to give Ashton a piggyback. Quite pathetic really.

I was too caught up with this to notice the girl rushing past me into the hospital. I looked back at her and something seemed familiar.

And then it hit me.

That face that I had just seen was the face of someone I hadn't seen in over a year.

But I don't forget faces like hers.

And I definitely don't forget the faces of people that have saved me.



Words: 1258


i wish i could've just ended it with that. It's nearly 11 but i've finally managed to finish this chapter. I know this is so predictable but i come up with any else. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

and until next time...


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