Chapter 6: Something unexpected

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"Come on Ray, let's not gawk," I mocked even though I had been doing the same before marching to the front of the door. As I was trudging through the snow, a panicked looking doorman ran towards me stumbling through the heavy snow.

"My lady let me carry you, and please forgive me for not arriving sooner. The snow will drench your clothes!" he rambled already stretching his arms towards me. I jumped back as far out of his reach as possible and held up a hand to stop him.

"I know you mean well by your offer but this is unnecessary. I wear boots and my dress can be lifted in order to avoid the snow." I explained pointing at my completely dry dress. Then looking over at a struggling Ray I said "You could however carry my Beta who seems to be having trouble with keeping the wetness out of his dress shoes and trousers." 

"Yes please!" Ray called pouting at the snow and putting out his arms like a child waiting to be carried. The poor doorman looked lost about what to do, not knowing if we were joking or not.

Suddenly we were interrupted by a humorous chuckle. I turned my gaze towards the entrance and was surprised to see one of the princes smiling at us. Prince Leonardo Bary Lupin was the third in line to the throne and he was well known to be the fairest of the princes. With golden curls and the Royal families signature navy blue orbs, the prince was hard to miss.

"Oh Alpha Moonclaw, I knew you'd be interesting!" he exclaimed finally recovering from his amusement. "Welcome to the Royal palace and to the Court. You are one of the last to arrive."

It was odd for a prince to be greeting guests but it could be his curiosity to seeing one of the few female Alphas of the world, so I didn't give it much thought. The prince radiated power and Violet and I respected that, but we would have to wait and see who he turned out to be.

"Greetings, your highness," I said with a bow, Ray following my example, "We apologize if our tardiness has caused any inconvenience."

"Oh no none at all." he waved off dismissively. Then with dancing eyes he took a step back and swept his eyes over my figure in a way that I did not enjoy but it wasn't as skin crawling as the normal looks I received. "As a person who appreciates the beauty in the world, can I just say that you are truly a sight to behold She-Alpha? I have never seen beauty more exotic."

I guess he would have like me to blush and giggle but I just stared dead on at him and just raised a single brow.

"Anyhow, let me show you to your rooms, we almost didn't save one for you, you know? Only Beta Ray. Who knew the frightened little Alpha Moonclaw would actually turn up?" he chortled in such open disrespect it made my hairs raise.

"I would watch my tone, Prince Leonardo" I spat glaring at him. Beside me Ray emitted a low growl in support.

The twenty five year old simply laughed before leading us towards the residential area of the palace. It involved a lot of climbing up grand staircases and walking down endless hallways but we finally reached to a stop. Standing infront of two door facing each other Prince Leonardo pointed to the right, "This is yours Alpha, and the opposite room is yours Beta Ray. Your luggages will be brought up shortly. Oh if you wish to let out your wolf you are allowed to run around the castle grounds but not outside. And Oh, I'll see you both at dinner in the East Wing then. Cheerios!"

And with that he was gone.

"Oh thank the goddess. I don't know how much more of that I could bare." Ray muttered. I chuckled agreeing whole heartedly.

"He wasn't the one who brought the invite?" I asked remembering Ray mentioning that the invite was personally delivered.

"Nah, that was Prince Oberin, he was much nicer," Ray replied letting out a monstrous yawn. "I'm gonna crash. Wake me up for dinner will ya?"

"Will do you lazy little shit. I'm probably going to let Violet out before hitting the sheets."

He nodded and stuck out his tongue and we both walked into or respective rooms. My room was as grand as the rest of the castle. The vast space arranged in whites and peaches of silk, satin and expensive wood and crystals. The living room area was adorned with sophisticated paintings and comfortable furniture, and as I headed in I could see the modern kitchen and pantry area and the heavenly bedroom that was calling my name. But I needed to run first, sleep could come later.

Quickly stripping out of my clothes and shoes, I grabbled a bathrobe that was in the closet before walking out into the balcony. The harsh winter winds whipped at me but I didn't feel its iciness as most werewolves. Our body's naturally adjusted their heat levels to survive any type of weather condition which was a major advantage when mother nature got bitchy.

In a flash I dropped my fluffy bathrobe and launched myself towards the ground. Mid fall I shifted into Violet, landing on the soft snow in all her silver glory. She yipped happily, sticking her tongue out to capture falling snowflakes. This was both our first times in snow and Vi was loving it. She jumped around in complete happiness lost in our own world for a minute before a piercing howl caught our attention.

Violet immediately stood shock still, her snout and tail in the air.

That howl, Violet whispered, It's calling us Willow.

And before I could say or do anything, Violet threw her head back and let out an answering howl filled with just as much yearning as the one we'd heard.

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