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I'm so proud and ecstatic to reveal the title of my very first international book under my awesome publisher, Ant Colony Press! This precious book was inspired by my trip to Paris, France a few years ago and takes you on a sightseeing journey through the gorgeous City of Light.

*And yes, this used to be a fanfic! Which explains why I had to unpublish it. I'm so happy as this had won a competition before and is the first book I'm releasing that will be available internationally. <3


When Josephine graduated college two years earlier, she had a head-start on making her dreams come true. But it turns out that her dream was a little short-lived when her European tour ended a week later and she was on her way to the airport with a ticket back home.

"Now what?" is the question—but just when she thought it was all over, fate takes an unexpected turn when her flight gets cancelled and she bumps (quite literally) into an eccentric, orange-haired boy at the airport.

Words, Fate & Accidents is a story about the power of words; how unpredictable fate can be and how accidents could lead to the best things in life. It's a story about getting-to-know yourself through the eyes of another, and how love can be found in the most unlikely—or most likely places.

Kaye Allen's new book is set to be released early next year. Stay tuned for updates! <3


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exoticarmy127's Short Story Collection (KPOP EDITION) BTS & EXOTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon