Against All Odds (Baekhyun, OC) Part 1/2

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OC- Min Hyorin

"Yes I am seeing someone." The words echoed in her ears as Hyorin watched her boyfriend announce on live television that he was seeing someone. She was literally frozen in place, unable to take her eyes off the screen.

Hyorin watched as the camera does a 360 shot, showing the surprised faces of the studio audience; practically hearing their snickers and curious whispers as well.

What are you up to, Byun Baekhyun? She thought nervously. Baekhyun and Hyorin had been dating for more than a year now and it never occurred to her that he would publicize their relationship. It's not that she didn't want to...she just thought they didn't have to.

"Oh?" The MC gawked at him. "Who? Is she an idol?"

Baekhyun smiled as he shook his head, "No, actually. This girl..." He sighed dreamily, sending the crowd in sniggers and awww's. "She's been with me for a while now. A long while. And she's just amazing, you know?" He said excitedly, making Hyorin giggle. She watched him say more things about her; the way she cooked for him; how supportive she was; and even how patient you were with him especially since he tended to talk a lot and be rowdy all the time. He talked animatedly, flailing his arms and showing genuine expressions. The sight made Hyorin's heart swell and she almost cried when he finished, "She's everything to me. I don't care what other people say because she's perfect to me and I love her." Hyorin felt a tear roll down her cheek and she smiled as she wiped it away.

"Well that was just the sweetest thing I've eve heard!" The MC said as he clapped him on the shoulder. "Would you like to say something to your special girl?" The crowd cheered urging ,Baekhyun to do it. The camera focused on his face and Hyorin sat down on the couch, unblinking.

"Jagiya," he said and the screams of the audience members were deafening. "It's me, your fun and loving Byun Bunny." Hyorin grinned at hearing him say the nickname she teased him with. "Are you doing well? Are you eating a lot? I'm sorry I couldn't be with you much these past few weeks, with my busy schedule and all but I want you to know that I'm always thinking about you." He smiled flirtatiously at the camera, making the audience scream even more. "I miss you so much, Jagi. But don't worry, I'm coming home soon. I love you, Min Hyorin. Wait for me, okay?" By this time, Hyorin was sniffing and tears were falling from her cheeks. "Oppa will always come back for you."

The audience clapped and the MC wiped a nonexistent tear from his eye. "That was just beautiful, Baekhyun. Thank you so much for being on the show!"

"Always a pleasure." Baekhyun grinned and he waved to the audience as the MC made his final greeting.

It didn't take long before news broke and Hyorin's face was everywhere. Tabloids, fansites, blogs... she was the hot topic! Somehow the fans had gotten a hold of a photo of her and Baekhyun, posing for a selca. It was probably taken a few months ago since Baekhyun's hair was still blonde. It was overwhelming for Hyorin at first; the attention she and her relationship with Baek was getting. She smiled as she read some of the articles saying how sweet Baekhyun was to his girlfriend and how happy they were at the fact that he was happy and very much in love.

But as the days passed, Hyorin started noticing a change in the reaction of the public. She started seeing fans bashing her name online, saying mean things about her and how she didn't deserve Baekhyun; she saw an anti-fan club dedicated for her and there was a significant number of followers; and she had seen her photos vandalized with vulgar languages, calling her awful names and basically ruining her image. It came to a point that Hyorin couldn't even go online anymore because some fans had apparently found her accounts and kept sending her hate letters and she couldn't even go surfing the net without her name popping out.

Baekhyun had called in the moment he had heard about it. "Jagiya, just ignore them. Don't read any of those hate letters, okay? Don't talk to any of them, and most importantly don't even think that what they're saying is true."

Hyorin bit her lip as she tried to keep herself from crying. She didn't want to break down in front of Baekhyun, even if it was on the phone. He knew how strong she was and had always believed that she couldn't be affected by anything; when in truth, Hyorin had never felt so affected in her life! But she had to keep it from him because if she showed just the slightest sign of weakness, she knew he would come down here in a flash. And she didn't want to be a bother, not when he's busy with their upcoming comeback. "I know." She sighed. "I'm ignoring them, I swear..."

"But?" Baekhyun pressed, sensing the doubt in her voice.

"I can't help but think if they're actually right–"

"I love you, Hyorin." He said forcefully before she could finish. "Iloveyou.Iloveyou.Iloveyou.Iloveyou–" Hyorin chuckled as he continued to say it over and over again, nonstop. "Okay! Baek! I know you love me." She shook her head at her boyfriend's silliness.

"I love you. I love you. I LOVE YOU!" He yelled dramatically and Hyorin could imagine what his face must've looked like. "Don't forget that, okay?"

"I won't." She answered, smiling softly. "I love you too."

"What?" He teased. "I can't hear you~"

"I said, I love you too."


"I LOVE YOU TOO BYUN BAEKHYUN!" She yelled through the receiver and she heard Baek chuckle at the other end. "Arrasso...I heard you, Jagi. God, I didn't know you were this crazy about me."

"In your dreams, Byun."

"Kkaebsong~" at that, the two of them laughed, feeling happy even though they were miles apart. Hyorin had forgotten all about the haters; her mind focusing solely on Baekhyun and how lucky she was to have him.

Hyorin smiled as she continued to listen to him talking on the phone. She always loved to listen to him talk; loved the hearing the sound of his voice. She suddenly frowned when she realized just how much she missed him. "Baek?"


"I miss you."

She heard Baekhyun sigh on the other end, "I miss you too, Jagi."

"Can you sing to me?"

Baekhyun chuckled and started singing a familiar tune; singing exactly what she was feeling right now...

Living without you, living alone... This empty house seem so cold.

Wanting to hold you, wanting you near. How much I wanted you home...

Hyorin sighed as he continued to sing through the phone, her heart fluttering at every note.

I have him, she thought. I'll get through this. He loves me and I love him. That's enough. I'm happy.

But what she didn't know was that the happiness was only short-lived.

to be continued...


Part 2, anyone? wahaha :D

And to the anon  who requested this...don't worry, the angst part is coming... ;)


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