Baby, I Got Your Back (Sehun, You)

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(1st person POV)

"Agent AG1, your presence is requested at headquarters."

I sighed at the robotic female voice's message before biting my lip and replying with a curt, "Copy. Give me 15."

It was half past 1A.M. and I was in the middle of transcribing an interview for my boss when my phone rang—my blackberry, that is which had my fingers stop from typing. The phone vibrated inside my drawer and as I took it out, I sat up straighter and answered with a hushed, "Agent AG1."

It wasn't that difficult to leave work considering my hours are pretty flexible so I merely told one of my co-workers that I had to leave to pick up a package and will be back later tonight. The thing I loved about this place was that people never really asked questions and so I let myself out without further notice.


Headquarter's was situated in a secret location. In Seoul, there was only one way to get there: through the subway.

It's a special track of course, one which you can only access through the use of your agent I.D. As I tapped the card on the entrance machine, it glowed green and let me through but I knew better than to follow the throng of people going towards the train tracks...

I went through the women's bathroom instead and entered the last stall on the left. I faced the toilet and placed the card atop the tank lid. I counted to three and the tile exactly right in front of me slid open, revealing a circular lense.

A lazer scanned through my whole body and I heard a single beep which meant my entry permission was granted. The wall in front of me opened up; sliding slowly to the right until I was able to sneak through the crack. I grabbed my card and went through, the wall closing behind me instantly.

The train was already there on the track when I arrived at the platform. And standing by the doorway was a familiar face.

"Agent D76." I said in greeting and he smirked before giving me a salute.

"Hi, Y/N." Kyungsoo greeted and I smiled back at him. He was one of my friends at the agency; one of those whom I trusted with my life for he saved it more than once when we were paired up on a mission in Madrid and Sydney. He was a great shooter and analyst. And he was definitely easy to work with considering that he was the quiet thinker type.

"Hey. You have an assignment?" I asked curiously, eyeing his suit. All members of the ISAIA (International Security and Intelligence Agency) wore specially designed suits; complete with state of the art gear like guns, tracking devices, and micro chips that could blow up an entire district. Anything you could ever imagine, ISAIA has the Intel on all the technological advancements.

"Yeah." He nodded. "You?"

"I just got called."

"You have reached Headquarter's. District A7." The intercom announced and the door opened in front of us. I went out to the platform but Kyungsoo remained.

"I'm off to Cairo. Good luck." He nodded curtly and I gave him a smile and a wave just as the doors closed and the train moved forward.

I sighed and walked ahead towards the main entrance. The glass doors slid open after a finger print scan.

"Welcome back Agent AG1."

"Welcome indeed." I murmured before heading towards the main office; hoping my next assignment won't take me somewhere too remote like last time when I was sent to Tristan de Cunha to take care of the captors of Princess Aisha of the Northern Burnhamyne.

Being an A-level agent meant being tasked with larger-scale missions. ISAIA works with international security agencies and we would get Intel from around the globe about criminal frequencies and reports. The higher your rank in the agency, the more dangerous your assignments were. Level A and B's are the one's that usually handle missions from captivities of monarchs and political leaders, to taking care of the most wanted criminals on earth. These missions affected a lot of people—on a global scale, so they needed to be handled by the best agents in the company.

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