"I'm Celeste as you all probably know."

"I'm Drake"

"Im......" I zone out the rest of class.

"Mel you can write since you have good handwriting and you can come up with places to visit," April says.

"Wait what? What are we doing?" I ask confused.

"We have a project and we have to do it with partners. We have to make a brochure in the form of a poster showing a place anywhere in the world that someone should visit. We have a budget of $2,500 in which what method of transportation we'll take and what places we'll visit, accommodations, etc. We also have to convince people why they should visit the country," April says all in one breath.

"Ok writing and places to visit. Got it."



You know how parents usually ask 'how was school? Well, my mom decide today was a good day to ask.

"School was awful. Transfer me so I don't have to die," I complain to mom.

"That bad huh? What happened?"

"I met the devil that's what." Mom looks at me confused so I elaborate.

"Celeste, the neighboring Vampire Princess you failed to mention."

"Oh I didn't know there was a vampire princess. I only knew about the vampire prince. What was his name? Oh that's right, Drake. He's my best friend's son."

"This is even worse than hell. What is worse than hell?"

"You know Drake?" mom asks, ignoring my rude behavior.

"No I just heard his name. Why do they have to pick this school out of all the schools in AMERICA for goodness sake! That girl is the devil in disguise I tell you, she's a witch, gargoyle, beast, dracula's sister, the devil's daughter, and-

"Ok I think I've heard enough. Anyway, Drake and his parents are coming over for dinner tomorrow and I expect you to be on your best behavior."

"As long as the witch doesn't show up. I gotta go work on my project see ya later!" I teleport in my room before mom chastises me, but I forgot about the mind-link.

'This dinner is important and I haven't seen my friend in years. So I mean it when I say don't cause a commotion.'

'I promise I won't' I groan. I hope I can follow through with that promise.

Finally time to tell Ethan. I turn on my vampire sensors and find Ethan in his room alone. I teleport to in front of his door and knock. He opens almost immediately as if he already knew I was coming.


"Hey," he says back and lets me in. I head straight for his bed and sit on it.

"I thought a lot about this relationship and I've decided to give it a chance-

Ethan whoops and picks me up spinning me around. I did not know he had this much strength. I guess being a vampire has many perks.

"-but there are conditions. No crossing boundaries. Only physical contact allowed are kisses, snuggling, hugs, and anything that I didn't mention that doesn't cross my boundaries and I will follow these rules with you. If this relationship doesn't work out then we can just be friends if it's not uncomfortable afterwards. You will not do crazy and messed up things for me like sacrifice yourself for an example-" that earns a chuckle from him "-and that is all I can think about right now." Ethan hugs me tight and kisses me on the cheek.

"Thank the heavens you didn't restrict me from touching you. That would be worse than school hell," he laughs.

"Wait. I forgot one more rule. We can't keep secrets from each other unless it's required by a higher authority than me."


"Well I have to go now bye," I say to Ethan and wave goodbye. I head straight for April's room and sense that she's reading. I let myself in.

I put up the bubble wall to keep people from hearing us. "Ok the secret you've been waiting for. I helped Jared in Health today."

"Ok how is that a secret??"

"He was supposed to demonstrate CPR on an infant and I mind-linked him the procedure."

"Mel! You bad girl!" she says playfully.

"I know, but it was just a one time thing. I made sure of it. He won't tell a soul. He doesn't know you know so play dumb, but don't be too obvious."

"Sure thing."

"Oh and I'm now in a relationship with Ethan." April squeals.


"You can calm down now."

"So tell me all about this moment." So I do just that.

"Also I'm having dinner with Drake's family."

"Really?!? That's awesome!"

"What? No it's not! He's in the devil's crew. And did you know he's a prince? I cannot deal with two royal b-

"Mel remember you don't swear?" April stops me.

"Right. Gosh I'm so stressed I'm at the point of swearing. See what they've done to me?!?? I'm a wreck!"

"Yeah you should get some rest. you kinda look like you haven't slept."

"They will be the death of me," I mutter while I walk to my room like a zombie and plop on the bed. Before I know it, I fall asleep and guess what I dreamed of? Yup, my death caused by them. Hopefully it's just a dream and not a vision. Fingers crossed.

Not So "Ordinary" Girl(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now