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The picture on the right or on top is of Melody. You can picture her that way or stick to your imagination.

I wake up to the buzzing of my phone on the small desk right next to my bed. I pick up my phone and check the new message. It's mom again. Of course, she has to work early today, just like every week...

"Hi honey, I have to work early this morning. I left you breakfast in the microwave. Don't forget to set the alarm when you leave."

I shut off my phone and started on my daily routine of getting ready for school. Today is Wednesday, two more days until my birthday. I walk into my walk-in closet and start searching for what I'm going to wear today. After I'm done, I change and head towards my bathroom, to do the daily routine of brushing my hair and teeth. I don't know why I brush my teeth before eating...

'That's strange' I hear something shut in my room and curiously sneak over to see what the noise is.

'there's nothing out of the ordinary...'

'Maybe I'm just hallucinating'

Oh, you probably want to know who I am. I'm Melody Lance, although my friends calls me Mel. I live in a big manor. My mom's name is Marina Lance. My father called her Rina before he died, or so I was told. My father died when I was only four, so I don't have any memories of him. I can only recognize him by the photo albums we have. He worked with the government before he died. My mom works for the FBI and I don't have many friends for that reason, but I don't mind.

So that's the introduction. As I was saying...

After my normal routine, I grab my backpack and walk downstairs to the kitchen. I drop my bags and grab my breakfast out of the microwave. I walk over to the island in the middle of the kitchen and set my food down as I sit. Quickly, I check the clock on the wall and see that I have half an hour to get to school.

'Should have slept longer' I think to myself as I start eating my eggs and sausage, drinking my orange juice when I'm done.

I grab my bag and toss it over my shoulder as I walk to my white convertible. School's almost over and summer has just begun. I start driving to school, taking my normal route and I start to get the tingling feeling of being watched. Once I reach the school, I automatically rush inside to meet April, my best friend, at our normal meeting place.

Not So "Ordinary" Girl(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now