Back To School

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The past three weeks had gone by fast. Mom made me do the maids' chores for a week for getting in trouble with werewolves. It was kind of fun and I don't plan on telling her that. But who would have thought that that punishment is fit for a Princess?

I'm back at school, but it's a different school. The school has humans, but they don't know we're vampires. We had to go to a new school because the werewolves discovered where we were. Some of my body guards are 17 year olds, so they can do their job while going to school at the same time. The rest keep watch outside the school. I don't want to worry mom, so I didn't tell her about the healing. I wonder how dad got healed after his parents passed away. Or if he ever got hurt at all.




"Who can tell me what y=mx+b is?" The teacher, Mr. Pane asks. Seriously? We're in Algebra 2, everyone knows what that is already. I raise my hand and answer as nicely as I can.

"Am I in the wrong class? I thought this was Algebra 2."

"No you're in the right class. I'm just reviewing with the class because we just had a two week vacation. You're the new girl right?"

"Yes," I say a little embarrassed about my stupid question. I mentally slap my head. It sucks being in a class without your friends.

"What's your name again?"

"Melody Lance."

"Nice to meet you Melody," the teacher says with a look that you wouldn't want to get from a teacher. Now I have to deal with a teacher who hates me. His name fits him. Mr. Pane. A pain in my butt. At least this is my last class of the day. Once the bell rings I quickly leave class and head towards my car.

Last week I learned how to teleport all of my friends through different dimensions. it took so long to start going to school because mom insisted I learn as much as I can about other dimensions and creatures.

I get into my car and start the ignition.

Mom bought me a new phone since the old one was apparently being tracked. Turns out there's no wifi in the castle (obviously) so I have to do most of my homework at my Earth home. Buying a new house takes forever so whenever I want to do homework the house is packed with bodyguards surrounding it.

My phone vibrates and I check it before driving. I got a group text from my friends.

"Mel we're doing homework at your place" April says, basically making the decision for everyone.

"Sure, mom won't mind at all. I'll meet you guys there," I replied.

'Hey mom my friends and I are going to do homework at home tonight'

'Ok honey I'll let the guards know'

I stare at the road the rest of the way. Now we live half an hour from home, which is a pain in the butt.




I pull into the driveway and park my car. I walk into the house. The guards are already here. And so are my friends. I walk into the kitchen and take out three bags of chips, a bag of gummies, and a bag of Reese's Peanut butter cups.

Lucky for us vampires we don't get fat. But we still have to exercise to stay in shape.

"Hey guys," I say as I walk into the living room with the snacks.

"Hey. Sorry we already started without you," Ethan said apologetically, "how was your last class?"

"Ugh," I groan, remembering the impression I left my teacher with. "I think my teacher hates me."

Not So "Ordinary" Girl(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now