Sophia Turner

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"Sophia, tell everyone about yourself," I say to her. We're all in the meeting room Mom and Dad use for important meetings. It has a long table with many chairs. Sophia's sitting timidly across from me. The guards, Mom, Dad, myself and important officials are seated.

"I'm Sophia Turner and I'm 16 years old. My mom died when I was three. My dad is at home. He doesn't know that I'm gone. I don't have any siblings. I just found out about my abilities three weeks ago when I almost got hit by a car-"

"Wait. Stop right there. You almost got hit by a car?" I interrupt.

"Yes, but my magic saved me before I got hit."

"How did it happen?"

"I was with my friend buying a slushie from a vendor. We were about to cross the street when a car swerved in our direction at top speed. Before it was too late, I shoved my friend out of the way. I glowed brightly like you did. Next thing you know, I was lying on the ground a couple feet away from the car. It was the only time I teleported."

"Did your friend see what you did?"

"Yes. She said she'll never give away my secret and I trust her."

"Where's your friend now?"

"She's probably at her house."

"We have to contact her in case anyone who knows your secret goes after her. We have to get her and your dad to safety," Dad says.

"Yeah that's a good idea," I agree, "Do you think they'll listen to us if you come a long?"

"Maybe..." Sophia says uncertain.

"As long as they know you're safe and not hurt," mom says. Dad and everyone else gets up to get ready for the trip. 

"What are they doing?" Sophia asks with a little bit of curiosity. 

"They're just getting ready for the trip. We're bringing all the elite guards in case there are intruders. Wouldn't want the people you love to get hurt do we?"

"So. Tell me how you managed to get kidnapped." Sophia glances around nervously. I start to notice her discomfort. "It's OK. No one's going to hurt you while you're in this castle."

"I was jogging on my way home from track practice and felt the need to stop. An old woman came up to me and asked me to help her take the groceries out of her car. I walked over to her car and started taking out the groceries. I knew something didn't feel right, but I ignored the feeling. Once I was done bringing her groceries to the doorstep, she then asked me if I could help her bring them inside. I took a bag inside and put it on the kitchen table. When I turned around, all I saw was white... When I woke up I was in a cell. It was stupid of me to not trust my instincts."

I sit there contemplating. "That's disturbing," I finally say, "I think this old woman is a witch in disguise."

"A witch?" Sophie asks in a disbelieving tone.

"Yes, a witch. Look, you're half human. I'm half white-lighter. We're both not normal and we're not the only supernatural beings in this dimension."


"Yes, Dimension. I'll explain later. Right now we have to go retrieve your dad and friend."

"Mel we're ready," dad says.

"OK. Come on lets go," I tell Sophia. She gets up and I walk over to the group. "Where to Sophia?" I ask her, "all you have to do is think of the place."

"OK." Sophia closes her eyes and three seconds later we're outside a small house with a car parked in front.

'Check around the house for any signs of danger. I'll stick with Sophia,' I mind-link the group. All the guards are gone in the blink of an eye.

"I told them to check for any signs of danger," I answer her questioned look. I let her rest for a few minutes, then say, "you go ahead. I'll be right here."

Sophie walks up to the door and knocks on it. No one answers. She pushes the door open and walks right in. "Dad?" I hear her call. With my sensitive ears I hear her going up the stairs. 

'No signs of danger, but we smell blood' One of the guards say.

I start speeding toward the house when suddenly Sophia screams so loud it could break glass. I proceed on speeding to her room and go straight for whatever room she's in.


What I see in front of me surprises me. Sophia's dad lies on the ground, blood pouring out of his stomach. Sophia's hugging him for dear life, bawling her eyes out. I sense the presence of the guards and dad behind me. 

I rush over to the body and quickly check for his pulse. I am about to heal him when dad stops me. "Wait. He's too badly hurt. We have to do this together in order to not hurt ourselves." I silently wait as he walks over. He kneels beside Sophia and I. "Soph you're going to have to help us out. Healing someone this hurt can kill us," I say softly. Sophie nods numbly and puts her hand on her father's stomach. "You have to feel as if his body's returning to how it was before he got hurt."

I close my eyes and let the magic work, feeling it spread all over his body. I also feel dad and Sophie's magic as it comes together and mends the most punctured spot. When I've had enough, I let go, gasping. Dad lets go too. Sophie keeps on healing her dad. "Soph stop before you get hurt. Soph!" I shout. I quickly take her hands and move it away from the body.

"He's going to be fine. He just needs rest. If we heal him to the point he can't feel pain he'll die." Sophie breaks down all over again. "Soph listen to me. We have to get your friend alright? If the same thing happens to her we can't heal her." That breaks her out of it. She gets up quickly.

"Lets go. I'm going to kill whoever did this to him," she says determined.

"You can do that later. Right now we need to get to your friend, but we can't teleport," Dad says. Some of the guards carefully pick up Sophie's dad. "We'll bring him to your house," the head guard says. Her dad is breathing, but still unconcious. With that, they're gone.

"We're here," Sophie says as we stop in front of a tall yellow house with a picket fence.



Sorry for leaving you with a cliff hanger. I have to go tutor someone and I have a tennis match. Wish me luck!

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