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Hi everyone I'm sorry yet again for making you wait. High school kept me too occupied with projects these past few weeks. I hope this long chapter makes up for it and if you don't like long chapters, I'm sorry.

"Melody don't slouch!" Dad shouted at me. Ugh when did he start getting all mean? I return to the correct fighting stance. Mom continues to throw things at me using telekinesis. I use my white-lighter ability, conjuring the objects away.

"Try using your physical abilities," mom says while sending some more things flying in my direction. I kick them away and use my vampire speed to get rid of them faster. I notice Mariana struggling to fight her opponent. She never was the athletic type.

"Mel pay attention!" Dad yells at me. Just as I look back an object hits me in the head. I fall down in shock. Good thing it was small.

"Ow." I feel my forehead to see if it's bleeding. Thankfully it's not. Dad appears right next to me in a hurry and checks my head.

"Are you OK?" he asks with concern.

"Yeah I'm not bleeding." Mom looks confused at my father's worry(it can only heal by his hands). This was a wrong move. Luckily she doesn't question the gesture. I don't want her ever finding out about the healing.

I quickly get up and say, " let's get back to training shall we?"

Dad catches on and says, "We'll now work on your physical abilities. "Caine!" He shouts. I look at him with confusion.

Caine runs over and asks, "Yeah?"

"You will fight Melody. Give it all you got."

"What?!!?" I practically shriek.

"What'd you think physical training meant? Stretching?" he asks with amusement and a hint of sarcasm.

"Why do I have to fight him?" I whine.

"Because he's your strongest cousin and since you're half white-lighter, you can take him on."

I shake my head and stare at Caine in disbelief. I'm going to die. With no warning he lunges a kick at me. I duck in shock. 'Sly trick'

I throw punches at his face and he doesn't budge. I then aim for his private. I know, predictable of me right? He bends down in pain. I guess he isn't that strong is he?

"That is so not fair," he grunts.

"What? Self defense." He then kicks my legs, sweeping them off my feet. I land with a thud. "Ow"

I punch him in the stomach. I realize I have abilities and use my vampire speed. I kick his back really hard and he lands on the ground. What? Vampire speed is a physical ability.

A second later I land on my back. Dad is watching us intently. I decide to cheat a little and put up my shield before he can throw a punch. I scramble up with my shield still up. Cain bounces back, landing on his butt.

"Melody," dad says sternly and I automatically drop the shield, ready for another punch coming on. 

Out of nowhere a flash blinds me. I gasp in shock and close my eyes. Images flash before my closed eyes and I see a girl being chained. 

"Stop!" Dad shouts before Caine throws a punch at me while I'm having my vision.




"Mel?" I ask concerned. I look at James. "What's wrong James?"

"She's having a vision. The white-lighters are telling her something. Let's wait for her to come back to us." I look at her reluctantly. James conjures two chairs and we sit, waiting. I just notice Caine standing there confused.

Not So "Ordinary" Girl(Editing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя