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Marina Grace Lance (Melody's Mother) POV

[Next Morning]




'I can't believe I lied to her'

'I had to, I didn't want her to be more worried than she already is,' I try to convince myself.

Something told me she wasn't ready to hear the actual truth. 

Jameson, my husband, did not get killed by a vampire from an enemy kingdom. There was a war between different kingdoms of vampires. One kingdom had a very corrupt king, the king was breaking most of the laws set up by the vampire council to keep the kingdoms from becoming corrupt like the human checks and balances system. As my duty as the Queen of the Augusta Kingdom, I readied my army for war if need be. The corrupt kingdom went out of control, forcing the surrounding kingdoms, including my own, to rage war. During the war, my husband suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth. He was fighting along with me when he suddenly started to dim out like a light losing its brightness. He called out my name and I tried to grab his hand, but he disappeared before I knew what was happening. Melody was around 4 years old, and she was in the human realm. I've kept her in the human realm ever since. It was the only way I could keep her safe. But now there's a new danger.

 I know James is not dead because I can still feel him. When you have a beloved you can sense them, and you can feel their death. If he had died I would have felt it and it would break my heart to the point of wanting to die. Even if that happens, God forbid, I will live on if only for Melody. I just don't want to tell Mel the actual truth yet. I know it would break her heart, knowing that her father's alive and well somewhere we don't know. I think it's better for her to think he's dead instead of alive and missing. I'll have to tell her eventually myself.

The other thing I purposefully failed to mention is that she is not half human. James wasn't human. He is a being unlike any other in the history of mythical creatures. There is no name(that I know of) for his kind and no one knows about it, except for a select few of course. Although he is my husband, he does not hold the title of King. He is treated as such, but only a vampire can be a ruler of its kind. I feel like whoever took him from me did it with the thought of making me weak and too vulnerable to think with a clear head, thus making it easier to infiltrate my kingdom. But they underestimate me. 

Since Mel is our child, she is half his kind and half vampire. She is in more danger than she knows. Today I don't have to go to work early. I hope Mel doesn't catch me acting weird around her. Vampires can tell these things easily, but she's a half-vampire so I don't know if that applies to her. Half vampires are unique and have many strengths and weaknesses that make them either very dangerous or very vulnerable. I guess I have to tell her that too. I walk out of my room all ready to take Mel to school. I feel an oncoming headache already.

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