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The light from the sun bathes the room in streams of yellow and orange coloring the white sheets on the bed . Besides me lies the most beautiful creature I have ever set my eyes on .Ulysses is fast a sleep . His lips slightly parted but there is a lot of distance between us although in his left hand he is clutching my blouse which I do not remember giving to him . My heart warms up as his words from last night flood my mind .
" I will win this fight for us ."

A smile creeps onto my lips and I study his features . His arms are resting on the pillow beside his head . His nose pressed against the pillow .The muscles of his back relaxed but his biceps still highly defined .
My gaze shifts to his lower back that disappears into the white sheets and I swallow slowly every single part of wanting to ran my hands over him . Lying uneasily on my back I push my fingers between my thighs and try to hold back the urge but its stronger than me so I atop fighting it and ran a finger lightly down his back . Tracing out every bump , enjoying the feel of his cool skin against mine and before I know it I am under Ulysses with my hands cuffed against my head . His grey eyes are smouldering with desire and I swallow down my saliva as he watches me . He is in between  my legs and I want to feel him real close to me so I wrap my legs around his waist pulling him down onto me . He groans .
" This is a bad idea ."
"Can't you control it ?"
"I honestly have never tried ." His reply is frank .
"Please just try it . I can't ..." I pause and gasp as he grinds  slightly on me . I can feel his hardness and its making it hard for me to concentrate .
"Can't stay away from you ." I complete my sentence .
He doesn't wait any longer before his lips crush onto mine and he is grinding on me . I moan as he leads small kisses down my neck to my shoulders .Everything is blissful . Thousands of tines better than it was when he was in Seth's body and I let him explore me . I can't breath but I don't want him to stop until we finally climax . He breathes heavily against my neck before he jumps off the bed and I watch him practically race out of the cell .Then I am watching him literally burst into a raging fire ball and drying up every single trench drained with water .Each channel of water turns into a stream of fire and rises surrounding him . I look on in awe and admiration as it slowly dies down and he is kneeling on the black floor sweat dripping off him like bull . I don't know why but I just start laughing at the silence . He joins in too after a few moments of silence .
" That is by far the hardest thing I have ever done in my life ." he admits between gasps.
" Not used to self control are we ?" I tease him .
"I believe what you have witnessed right now highlights the fact that that is an understatement ."
I laugh even harder falling onto the mattress and I can feel his eyes trained on me . Ulysses walks back to the bed and drawing a chair up from a table to the right of the cell sits before me . His eyes sparkling .

"Before yesterday I had never known what a peaceful sleep was . "  He admits.  That revelation takes me off guard .

"What ?" I ask puzzled .

" What I mean to say is I haven't slept in years .". He shrugs .

" How long ?"

"Eight , ten years ?" He scratches his neck uneasily .

"The hell do you do in the night ,Ulysses ?"
I ask raising my voice at him in anger .

" I plan out my missions , I am haunted by the souls of those I massacred and I used to watch you sleep on some nights ."
The last bit gets my attention .

" That definitely explains my burnt window seals ." he laughs .

"My mum thought I was smoking and putting off my cigarettes on the seal." He laughs even harder throwing his head back and I watch him quietly .
He probably doesn't expect what comes out of my mouth next but I say it anyway .

"I love it when you smile and laugh . That is one of the many sounds that I am glad I got to hear ."
His laughter dies down and he just stares at me as if he is trying to figure out a reply to that but can't get the right words .

"There are some things in English that you can't have a reply to and that was one of the many things ." he smiles .

"But it was a compliment so you could say thank you ."

"Lemmi guess . Then you would say you are welcome ?"

"Yes I would ."
He smiles again at me and my heart literally stops for a minute .

"Thank you ,Samantha Rivers . Not only for the compliment but for being alive . For being mine ."

And that's how he manages to leave me both breathless and speechless.

"You know there are some things in English that you can't have a reply to and that was just one of the many ."
And he smirks before throwing me a wink and walking out of the cell and out of the door .

I fall back onto the bed and bite my lip but fore whispering a breathy
"He did not ."
Then I literally squeal in joy .

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