Date night

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I wake up to an empty bed and a note . Seth is so old fashioned . He could have texted me but a little side of me is kinda happy he didn't . I pick up the neatly folded piece of paper and it reads ,
I don't want this to look like it was a one night stand and I don't want to take you for granted  either . So this is me swallowing my pride to ask  if I could have the pleasure of taking you out tonight . I know this sounds old fashioned but I am an old fashioned guy and I believe  you deserve to be won over the right way .
P.S:  Just as Captain Wentworth said,
"Tonight will prove if I shall enter your father's house or never."
Yours only,
Seth .
I stare at the chit in awe . He quoted Persuasion by Jane Austen? I didn't even know he read classics . I scream into my pillow before jumping up and down in my bed .Not even Freya is going to ruin my mood today . I finalise before heading into the shower .
The breakfast table is quiet as Arthur,Raphael,Jean,Julia,Freya and I try to down our food .All I asked for was a bowl of cereal .
"Bella," Arthur calls me .Raphael winces and I swallow my cereal down hard .
"Yeah?" I answer not bothering to look up.
"Why don't you let Freya show you her rose garden ? "
"What ?" I choke on my milk. Freya smiles sickly at me.
"Yeah, that would be great .It would give us time to know each other better and I have honestly been dying to have some girl time with you ." She feigns innocence and I clutch my spoon so hard I almost break it.
"I ..I ..already have plans." I blurt out.
"C'mon , It won't take that long ." Jean chimes in.
"Its a date !" I yell awkwardly .The whole table falls silent.
"With Seth.." I add. I might as well say it all any way. Stupid ,Sam .I curse mentally .
"Anha..." Jean says unbelieving and I stare at her as a squeal comes out of her. Freya and Julia both glare at me and Raphael just shuts his eyes .I don't know why I care but I do even though he isn't mine anymore . I kinda miss him a lot and the fact that he hasn't been talking to me is driving me crazy .
"When did he ask? I mean how ?" Arthur is in as much shock as Jean.
"Today...he left a really sweet note ." I blush and look down so that my hair can hide my flaming cheeks . Way to go ,Sam. I mentally cheer .
"Wow" is all they both say and I take that as my cue to leave.
"Excuse me." I get up to leave until Raphael speaks up .
"Wait,Bella." My heart skips a bit as the name rolls off his tongue .I pause .
"Can I walk you to your room?" He politely requests and my heart goes on over drive when I feel his fingers slip into mine .I want to pull away but his family is right there . All this time I don't bother turning towards him because I don't want to see the look in his eyes anymore .I allow him drag me off and I can sense  the stare from four pairs of eyes burning into my back as we walk . He leads me into a room next to the one we just left and I gasp as the door falls shut behind us . We are in a study .There are four shelves packed with books bordering the room and forming a square at the centre were there is only a large table and a chair at each end . I am standing before the table .Raphael leans against the door watching me for a while .His breathing is rugged . I stand there cursing the tension in the air but in a split second he is walking over to me .
"Raphael.." I call backing up.
"Yes?" He answers his eyes darkening a little .
"What are you doing ?" I ask coming in contact with the table .
"Trying to show you what you are missing out on." He answers and his lips are on mine before I object . His kiss is rough and I stand still but he bits my bottom lip and I gasp and that's my mistake because I kiss him back .Everything falls apart right there because I instantly regret it. I pull away from him and I can feel my heart break but the difference is it is not my heart .Its Seth's .Raphael smirks triumphantly .The jerk. He knew he could feel it .
"No!" I whisper staggering a bit .
  He is in so much pain because of me.
"Seth listen to me. It was a mistake ...",I whisper hoping he can hear me but he is trying to shut me out.
" Stop fighting me ."he pushes even harder .
"You are breaking me." I exhale as tears start to roll down my face.
"Seth....I need you . Please !Stop!You said you wouldn't leave!" I finally scream and he does . I know he does because I am sprawled up on the floor breathing slowly and my head isn't spinning anymore . He doesn't say a word but I can feel him there .
"Get out of there .Meet me upfront in 5," he orders . I know he is still angry so I get up immediately and without looking back at Raphael I head out the door .
"Sam!Sam!" He calls after me before someone grabs my wrist . We have been racing down the stairs and now we are at the very space where Seth almost walked out on the family .
"Let go of me !" I yell at him .
"I am sorry." He apologises.
"No you are not! You .." I bit back the words I want to say and turning on my heels run out slamming the door behind me . He is such a jerk . How could he ?
"He isn't an angel ." he shouts after me. I groan . He literally is . I sit by the fountain waiting for Seth until he finally comes into view . He is not flying though but standing in front of me glaring daggers at my head . I smile a bit .He looks darn hot when he does that . Standing up I run over to him. Throwing my arms around him and he lets me and cages me in his warm embrace.
"Don't you ever do that again ." He whispers firmly.
I nod rapidly and at that instance I know we are going to be alright .

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