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"I'll go get us a refill." Mark says heading out the door. I am sprawled up on the floor before the Xbox.
I still can't believe he had been playing games alone all these years .However he did mention Sebastian and Seth joining him a couple of times. I take the opportunity to look around his room . I walk to the bedside . Its green duvet is nothing like Seth's navy blue one and a smile creeps onto my face when I spot a picture of the whole group together . Seth is in a maroon pollo neck shirt, while the rest are in base ball uniforms . The light bounces off their hair . They all look so happy . The next picture is kinda hidden behind  a pile of books . I pull it out and I am shocked . Its a picture of Freya and ....Ulysses.
Behind it is scribbled a note,
"Happiest devils" I almost drop but catch it placing it back on the table  . This is so confusing . Why did ? My line of thought is cut shot when in front of me stands Freya. I jump back.
" startled me." I try to talk to her. But something about her seems off right now. She glares at me and her green irises turn black. I step back. She smiles.
"I don't like it when people go snooping around ,Sam." She hisses stepping closer to me.
"I didn't ." I lie
"But your soul does the night and it freaking pisses me off." She snarls .
"Wh_at , do you mean?" I am backed up against the bedside table now .
"Whatever you saw that night is true and real but its non of your business so stay out of it and you won't have to lose another loved one ."  I know she means Seth. I glare at her.
"What do you know ?" I shout at her.
"A lot more than you think." She laughs mockingly .Then her hands are wrapped around my neck. She is too strong . I wrap mine around her wrists trying not to choke until the door bursts open and a wave of wind rushes past me. I gasp for air and Seth runs over to me but there is no one else in the room . I clutch my throat and he kneels down beside me.
"What happened?" He inquires .
"Its nothing much. Ulysses again ." I lie . His eyes question mine for a while before he decides to drop it .
"Let's go." He whispers his shoulders are tense .He scoops me off the ground and Mark walks in .
"What happened ?" He asks panicking . Behind him emerges Sebastian,Julia ,Raphael alongside Freya. I swallow hard as she places a finger against her lips signaling me to remain quiet .
"Ulysses attacked me ." I lie  holding back the urge to bite her head off.
"I don't understand it. How could he get in here? This place has so much pure blood he could die ." Arthur adds stepping into the hallway .
"May be she is just accustomed to bad luck." Julia smirks and I lean my head on Seth's chest .
"She's pretty hot for bad luck though ." Seth comments and I blush lightly knowing just how much that is going to tick Julia off.
"Life's hard for the blind ." Julia shoots back .
"But its even harder for idiots ." he snaps .
"Okay," Jean sighs walking over to me .She places her hand on my forehead and smiles .
"There is nothing wrong with her .I think she'll be fine ." She winks at me though and I am left completely oblivious as to why .With that Seth whirls on his heel and we are soon headed down the hallway to his room.
*    *     *   *   *   *
"Why did you lie out there ?". He snaps at me the moment we get into the room.
" How do you know I am lying ?" I dead pan.
"You didn't look into my eyes,Sam. You always do." He sighs setting me down on the bed.
"Whatever is bothering you....." Its like he decides against the sentence and simply says ,"Talk to me ."
I want to tell him but Freya's threat still lingers in the air .
"I tried to apologise to Freya and she got mad when I mentioned  my dream. She hates him." I look into his eyes and he groans.
"That's it?!" He yells at me.
"Don't lie to me!" He growls.
"But I am not."
"Yes, you are. I can feel it ." I look away from him.
"She'll hurt you ." I finally give in .I don't want us to keep fighting .
"Who ?"
"Freya." He freezes  and comes close to me .
"Because my soul wanders off in the night . That's what she said dream..I saw her ...with Ulysses ..They were you know ?Having it and then the bed got sandy and her blood was all over it and I try to help and a hand popped out of the sand and tried to pull me in ." I hug myself immediately starting to regret it . Pulling my knees to myself , I rest my chin on top of it .
"I don't want to lose you ." I whisper to myself while hugging my legs  . He squats down so that he is at my level and lifts my chin with his fingers so that I am starring into his stormy grey eyes . The look in them spells out tenderness, adoration ...I want to look away because I can feel him searching mg soul but he doesn't let me.
"Look at me." He pleads with me but I don't want to so wat h my fingers twitch uneasily . I feel naked , uncovered and vulnerable and I hate it . I hate it because he is seeing me like the weakling I truly am  and no one has seen me like this since the funeral .
"Sam..." He calls his tone dropping lower and my chest clenches .
"Look at me, please.." I can hear the hurt in his tone and I give in . My eyes snap to his and he brushes his thump  over my my lips . I watch in silence as my heart rate picks up .
"You won't ever lose me." he breathes against my lips and I hold my breath .
"Because I live to be next to you , this close , forever."  I want him to kiss me that instance because I know for some reason I live for him too but he doesn't . He says ,
"I  am not supposed to feel this ,Sam. But you...I can't control it much longer." He confesses .
"Then don't ." I encourage him.
"You don't know what you're getting into saying things like that ." He frowns and God he looks even better .
"Then why don't we find out ?" I inquire and his lips are suddenly on mine . They are cold at first and I shiver lightly but as the kiss progresses  they warm up. His lips are soft and so is his touch when he slips a hand around my wait and draws me closer to himself. His other hand moves to the side of my face and I wrap my arms around his neck . The clouds outside rumble lowly and he chuckles when I shake a bit .
Wait is that what he meant ? He bits my bottom lip and I give him entry . His tongue tangos with mine and I press myself further into him and suddenly its raining outside .  His kiss becomes desperate , needy and I moan and then lightening cuts through the sky and we pull apart . We are both breathing heavily in the darkness and I can't form coherent sentences .
"Now do you see what I mean?"  He asks backing away slightly .
"Yeah." I answer inhaling sharply .
"What's the worse that could happen?"
"A thunder storm. " I can hear the humour in his voice .
"Seriously now." I smile .
"I dunno know . Its a secret I would like to find out though ?" I flash red and the heat crawls up my skin because I know the only way to do that is to well make love .
"Lie down with me ?" I ask ," I am kinda terrified of storms." He laughs lowly walking over to me . He pulls off the covers and I sleep in .He slips in next to me and pulls them over us . I lie on his chest listening to his heart beat  rapidly  as I start to drift off to sleep he says,
" You shouldn't be when passion is the reason for the storm."I smile and everything fades away .

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