Beach talks

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Seth and I are at the beach and my legs are pulled up to my neck .
He hasn't left my side since we arrived and we honestly haven't said much .
"Talk to me ." I whisper . He glances over at me and smiles for the first time .
"I have never really been that angry at any girl before ." he admits childishly and I fight back the urge to giggle .
"Princess, you do a lot of things to me. Both in my dreams and in reality ." That line my friends is what gets me blushing so much I hide my face behind my palms . He chuckles lowly .
"That kiss in our room hasn't left my mind and when I felt Raphael kiss you it hurt but you kissed him back and it broke me . "
"I am sorry ." I squeak .
"Shsssh" he silences me .
"That had to happen for me to realise that I don't want to share you,Bella." I am transfixed . This is the first time he has called me that and shivers run down my spine. He says it like he needs it to breathe

"Bella..." He whispers and chuckles looking  out into the sea. I watch him with my head resting on my knee tops .
"I tried so much to not find you and when I did I tried even harder to keep you out of this mess but look where that got us ? Tangled up together and never to be separated ." he sounds  so disappointed . Did he not want me? That hurts me and I look away .Sensing my distress he sighs and says,
"Look at me." I hate myself because I do .How can I not when he is the reason my heart beats.
"A few days ago I swear I would fought anyone that ever thought of bringing us together but not today . Today I will fight the world, the gods  , anything and everything that will imagine putting us apart ." he strokes my cheek lightly and I realise I have been crying.
"My Bella, fine as pure whine, beautiful as a diamond, bright and bold as the sun , but always waiting for me .Always wait for me." He concludes .
"I chose that name for you because I was there before you thought you could be a Disney princess. I was there when your world crushed and I held you when you cried but never for a moment did you not come off as stunning . "
"Why did you push me away?Why did you let Raphael ..." I suppress the urge to kiss him.
"Ulysses can't harm Raphael too bad but he can break me. He corrupted my blood with his and I haven't learnt to control myself fully  but when I do. He won't be able to even glance at me. So he wants me dead ..." He sighs.
"I will protect you ." I whisper. He laughs lightly .
"Isn't it supposed to be the other way round , sunshine ?"
"Doesn't matter. I know I am not normal . My soul wonders in the night remember?"
He smiles and my soul melts .
"That brings us to the second part . When I claim you as my own , he fears that the power we both hold will be too great for him . So he wants to  ....have you ." he sighs
"I won't let him . I want you to have me. Only you "
"I know that but once I do claim you ...we will feel more of each other and I don't want you seeing my dark side .Its bad ."
"I can handle it." I shrug he gets up .
"No , you can't !I have murdered dozens...thousands . You saw what I do to the weather . The sea."As he speaks a bolt of lightening flushes through the sky and ends up in the water producing a harsh explosion but he raises his hand and nothing comes over to us . The water stands still. 
" You can also stop it. " I get up and stand before him.
"I have made mistakes too,Seth. Everyone has."
"Not the kind that I have!" He turns away and I momentarily debate on whether or not to push it any further but if I don't I might lose him forever .
So I take my chances and hug his back. The muscles are tense but they relax a little . I haven't always been good at reading people but I hope this is a good sign.
"Everyone's mistakes are magnified by their thinking . If you choose to forgive yourself and look at it as a slight slip up then that's what it will be but if you let it destroy you then I am sorry to say but you will never be happy ,Seth. Some of my mistakes were because I didn't think . But look where they all got me. To you and if I was reborn I wouldn't want to change a thing . Not even my father's death ." he winces .
"Because it would lead me to you ." I conclude and he turns he face me .
"Really? You wouldn't change it ? " His voice is saturated with emotion .
I nod weakly . He pulls me into his arms and the cold breeze washes over us and I cry into his shirt .
He kisses my hair until I am finally calm again and then I look up at him and his lips meet mine . This kiss is slow and bordering at the edge of fierce and needy . My lips move in sync with his as his hands travel to the sides of my face .He draws me closer into him  and i moan . He doesn't stop . My hands find their way into his hair and the sea roars as its waves pick up velocity .
He lifts me off the ground such that my legs are wrapped around his torso .
And then I lose my resolve .My fingers roam over his chest unbuttoning his sky blue shirt .He moans as I pull away and look down at him. My Seth. Running a single finger over the lines of his abdomen .
He gasps sharply when I pause at the end of his v.
"Sam...." He whispers before I place a gentle kiss on his right breast . He groans.
"You are push.." He starts to speak but I do it again . He sighs and moans .
"Should I stop ?" I smirk at him . He sets me down and steps away from me . The storm in his eyes is tempting .
"Are you sure you want to do this ?" He asks . I study him. The wind blowing his hair allover .The wind blowing his shirt behind him and the perfect boy standing in front of me. I know this is a huge step for  us. A decision to be doomed to be with him for life and any normal person would not make it .But then again I am not normal . I have never been and I am not about to be .
Smiling at him , I nod in confirmation and his eyes glitter with excitement as he takes my hand and pulls me to another direction . We break into a run as we head further off East .

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