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I sit up in the middle of the night .My head's drumming so loud I can barely hear a word .
"Seth?" I call out in the dark but there is no response . The alarm clock reads 2;00 a.m .
"Its a bit early to be checking the time ,isn't it Bella?" I freeze. My heart starts to race .
No. No.
"Ulysses?" I whisper in disbelief . The lights instantly go on and I am seated next to him on the bed . He is naked besides me....
I scramble to my feet wrapping mg sheets around me .
"What the ..." My throat runs dry as I stop searching myself for my clothes and observe the dirty smirk on his face .
"It was a rough night . I must admit you are good in bed ..."
"Shut up!!" I scream at him reality hitting me hard .What did I just do ? The memories from hours ago come rushing in and I swear it was Seth I slept with .
"And you are right ,Sam .It was Seth ." Ulysses stars at me rolling onto his side.
I cringe further and push myself against the wall.
"What did you do to me ? To him ?" I am surprisingly calm.
"The question should be what did you two do to deserve what I did ."
"Deserve ?" I snort angrily .
"You want to talk about justice you serpent ?" I ask firmly .
"I have all the right as far as I am concerned ." he yawns as though he is bored . The devil. My blood boils .
"Look princess,Did you ever wonder why your Seth said he had been polluted ? Did you ask yourself why he stayed away from you?  Why he said it was dangerous ? Why the see roared when he kissed you? Why no one seemed to be happy when you came out of that dream with a different seal on your arm...a seal that wasn't Raphael's .Why you did not run away when you saw me here to you ...why I did not kill you ?" He pauses . I am still blank . Then the pieces start to fit in .
"Was Seth's blood corrupted with yours?"
"Very good, I knew you could do it. But that is not the point . The point is you are connected to me .You are my mate not his not Raphael's and not any body else's and that's why they wanted you to get out of the picture ."
"They want to kill me ?" He stares at the ceiling .
"No , they can't ! You are lying !" I ran for the open door but I trip on something or better yet .Some one .
"Seth ?" I crawl over to him but he is unconscious and so pale .
"I am usually a liar but to princess I haven't said anything out of the ordinary yet .You have been the one adding up the pieces and for your information can leave if you like .But the moment you do I will kill him."
I glare at him.
"That's if he is not already dead ." he adds .
"Your pick." I wipe a tear off my cheek.
"As much as this hurts me to say are my mate and I can not unfortunately kill you and so I have to put up with you ."
"Ohhh so now I am a burden ."
"Are you kidding me ? I can't believe it took you so long to realise that . I have neither a soul nor a heart , Sam. I am pure evil . But I do have a sick weakness and its bloody you . You are so vulnerable weak ." he spits with contempt .,
"But we will fix that ." My stomach clenches at that thought .
"What do you mean by that ?" A shiver runs down my spine .
"That's for me to know and for you to find out ." he chuckles . Stepping out of bed I notice that his black hair shimmers like the light .He looks different tonight .Not innocent but dangerously sexy .His  ocean blue irises glimmer at me .His compact chest calling out to my fingers . I can feel the tension between us and its like nothing I have ever felt before . He watches me cautiously and I know he feels it too because he clenches his fists and shoves them in the pockets of his blue jeans but I can't fight the urge to be next to him . He notices that when I stand up and start walking towards him .
"Sam...stay ." he orders .
"But you are so beautiful ." I whisper going closer . He steps back .
" I can hurt you beautifully too."he warns me .
"Then do it ." What the hell is wrong with me. I try to snap out of it but I can . I need him .
He groans when I am standing before him . I know that groan. Its the same one Seth used to give me when he was frustrated . The same look he gave me in the field countless times and I know for sure that the boy in the fields was not Seth Irving neither was the boy in the kitchen nor the one who made love to me .It was all him,Ulysses .
"I know it was you . "
"Who did what ?" He challenges me as I close the space between us . The heat radiating off his body is alarmingly hot .
"Who came back to save me when tried to kill me !" The blood in the bathroom.
"I wanted to ...." He stops himself from completing the question .
"To what?" I press into him and stroke his cheek gently . He shivers lightly .
"Nothing ...its not. Important ." he is fighting me . He doesn't want me to get into his head but I know his defences are weakening . Placing a hand on his chest I lay my head on him .
"Hold me " I plead .
"Sam!" He scolds me .
"Please ." and he does .Lightly his hands start to trail up and down my back and the pleasure such a simple act can do is unbearable .
"You have to stop and push me away ."  he whispers in my ear but I can't .We both know his its going to end .
"No," I firmly reply and then my head is lifted up and his lips are on mine .His kiss knows no gentility . It is domineering and rough .
His hands clutch me closer to him until my bare thighs are pressed against him . He pulls away and I stare in shock . My sheets have patches In them .
"That's why I couldn't claim you on my own. I would kill you ." he pauses .
"I wanted to protect you ." I watch him walk out the door.
"Ulysses!" I try to call out to him but he is gone and I feel dizzy . I drop to the ground as a certain emptiness takes over .
"Sam!" Seth calls to me . Why is he awake now ?
Why is he here when he isn't . The light blurs out and I can only hope I remember a thing when I wake .

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