Upside down

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Raphael is seated beside me . He is a bit nervous or a little too nervous . The bed seems to be colder than usual and I continue to shiver uncontrollably . Ever since I got back from the house I have been feeling feverish but when Arthur called the doctor he said I was perfectly fine . This is also the reason Seth is up to his neck mixing some green goo .
"Hurry up!" Raphael states .I don't miss the worry in his voice .
"You can't rush magic. Its an art not some random game." Seth snapped adding  a purple petal to the bubbling mixture in a pot over the fire . We were in Seth's room and it for some reason felt right. Warmer than usual but comfortable.
"St_op_fighting." I try to speak .Raphael hugs me tightly drawing me off the bed . I dunno if I'm the only one who notices but Seth winces the moment Raphael's lips touch my forehead. He clenches his jaws but continues to brew his portion .In the next second he is through and taking up a spoon , he puts some into a cup for me and hands it to Raphael.
"You should do it." Arthur objects. He winces again .Why doesn't he like me ? A question pops up in my mind .
However he comes over anyway and Raphael lays me down on the bed . They glare at each other as Seth lifts me off the bed and places me on his laps.
"I need you to comply. It may taste like crap but don't spit it out." Every word was said while looking into my eyes and the intensity of those grey eyes almost knocked the breath out of mine. I feel this rush I had never felt with Raphael before. I just want to stay like this forever.
I nod as he scoops a spoonful and blows  gently over it . The minutes seem to slow down as I study him . His fingers work expertly as they wrap themselves around the spoon and bring the liquid up to my lips .I gag as I swallow it. It is bitter and soar at the same time and smells of mashed roots. Disgusting . I feel it crawling up my throat and I almost hurl but he takes hold of my face and forces me to look into his eyes as he mutters a you can do this . When I finally take  it down he gives me three others before I feel  drowse . I can see his blurred image leave and I am  scared but I am too weak to grab his arm or speak . 
My mind screams  and as if he hears me, he pauses and glances back at me .
I need to go.
I hear his voice in my head .What is happening?
But I need you here. I insist.
Sighing ,he walks back to my side and places me on his lap so that my head is buried in the crook of his neck . I inhale his lavender scent as everything else fades away and I know my life has just turned upside down.
*  *  *  *   * *
It is dark in my head and I can barely see anything . All I can hear is the sound of water rushing by until I feel the liquid rise to my knees and there is something else sticking to my feet. I panick and look down . The light comes in and I notice I am in a shallow stream . The water sparkles from the golden rays bouncing off it . There is a path way aligned with trees in front of me and the stones under my feet are pearly white . I gasp as a vulture cuts through the sky. Where on earth am I ? Something tells me I am about to find out .Starting my walk down the isle I notice that the grass turns gold whenever my feet touch it. This makes me smile a little .  The place is covered completely by trees . Well at least until I come to a space where the ground is rounded by multiple circles of different sizes fit into one large one . The area is gigantic . I notice my family seal in front of me. A horse and I do not know why I step into it . Three symbols appear  in the air before me immediately .Each one two tracks apart and the furthest being at the very last circle which is also the smallest . The first two are of a trident . They look exactly the same . The last one however looks more like a huge lightening bolt with a crescent moon molded into it. I stand there deciding what to choose . I walk past the first and gasp on fear when the two circular rings  collapse into the earth and a ditch is created between myself and the land . Sighing  ,a little bit of me reminds me that I should have just let it be. I walk past the second one but before I step into the fifth circle ...The boy from my house appears . He glares at me . His black hair glimmering  in the light . The grass begins to darken .
"I don't think you should do that ," he cautions me . His voice innocent and soothing .
"Why not?" I ask confused .
"Because its not in line with the law here ," he shrugs
"And whose laws are these?" I frown
"Funny question you should ask. Yet he is standing right in front of you." I scream as fire bursts out. I can still see him watching me with a smirk. The four circle starts to sink and I panic. I have to jump but I don't know if he will let me. I take my chances anyway and leap. The white dress doesn't restrain me thankfully and just as I am going to land a few inches from the central circle , Seth appears and grabs me.
"Touch the symbol , " he yells . I do and the largest pair of grey wings engulf me. His wings .But something doesn't add up. Isn't Raphael supposed to be the one saving me ?
Then suddenly there is pain allover my body. I scream and scream but the only thing I can see is the bury image of a storm coming up and then everything is black.
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