Finally falling

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The beach house is amazing . Glass walls, Air conditioning ,Antique vases, roses at almost every corner . At the centre of the kitchen is a lavishly laid dinner table . Its lace table cloth lined with gold stripes .There is a red carpet leading to it .Candles are surrounding the space beside it ...they are still being lit by a certain someone in a tux. I watch him as his skillful fingers work .He is neatly dressed .After our talk Seth decided we should let nothing ruin our date night .So here we were in this beautifully adorned beach house which must have cost a whole lot of money to rent . I look down at the dress I am wearing .He gave it  to me because well...I dont know . It 's peach with long lace arms and open at the back. Its tight as a second  skin and stops at my knees .The nude heels are my favourite part of the outfit .
"Hey.." He greets taking me in with a smile.
"Hey.." I reply. He walks up to the record player and puts on some old fashioned song...I think its from the 80's .
"May I have this dance?" He asks wriggling his eye brows and I follow his lead.
"Why most certainly kind sir." I courtesy and he sways me off my feet . He spins me around and draws me back to him in an easy waltz .
"You are a great dancer." I comment.
"Too bad no one will believe you if you said that aloud." He chuckles as we move.
"Why not ?" I laugh.
"Everybody knows Seth Irving does not dance ." he smiles.
"Well everyone but you ,Sunshine ." he winks and I laugh as I am span round once more.

Dinner was lovely. Seth pulled out my seat for me. I was liably   informed that he did not cook because he is a terrible cook and I liked that . I however can and so I ended up making blueberry pie for dessert .
"That's like your third piece ." I acknowledge stunned by the amount of pie he can shove down .
"I know . But I am a guy and I don't know if you have noticed but it takes quiet a lot of energy to tire a girl out . " I blush at the realisation of his implication and he smirks .
"If you ask me Bella. You should be warming up too . " he winks at me and my pulse picks up in anticipation .
"W_we are really going to have sex?" I ask uneasily .
His smirk smoothens into a sweet smile.
"I wish there was another way to claim you ,Darling .But unfortunately that is the only way. And no we are not having sex tonight ." he chuckles lightly getting up and taking both of our plates to the sink .I watch him completely confused .
"First you say we are and then you say we aren't .I don't mean to burst your bubble but that does not scream clear to me ." I say as his muscles flex underneath the white shirt . My stomach flutters . His bow tie is undone and hanging loosely from his neck as he turns me drying his hands in a white towel .
That stupid smirk is still plastered on his face but the amusement behind his eyes is hard to miss.
"Stop trying to justify you being slow." He chuckles .
"I am not slow !" I object vehemently.
"Oh no? " he asks walking towards me and stopping only when he is standing directly in between my legs .
"Yes.." My voice is nothing but a whisper as he starts to move his fingers up my thighs .My dress keeps riding up and I gasp as he pauses next to my spot . He leans in and heat crawls up my skin .
"Well then let me clear all your doubts then .I am not having sex with you tonight because tonight !" He slightly draws away from me and declares boldly .
"I am going to make love to you ,Samantha ." His  eyes twinkle and I can't help but laugh .
"Was is that bad,? " he chuckles along with me .
"No. It was unique in a good way . I don't ever remember hearing any movie star proclaim their undying love in that way ." He kisses the corner of my mouth .
"Well I guess I am your movie star ." Those words cause me to stare at him .
"Mine ?" I question him tears filling my eyes .
"Yes, yours. Is something wrong ?" His forehead crises in concern .
"No, no problem ." I assure him but his unwaivering stare tells me I am going to  have to tell him more than I want to.
"Its ..its just that I haven't really ever owned anything singly . I always have to share  even my dad ." I winch and he raises my chin with his finger such that our eyes are locked .
"I don't care about what you didn't have . All I am here to do is give you all that you missed and make everything that you have now worth while .So forget about the past because this right here .." He traces a finger along my bottom lip .The storm in his eyes gleam with  passion and adoration and I can't believe its for me .
However ,my walls instantly crumble when he says,
"Feels like I am finally falling for something worth risking everything for."
With that his lips capture mine and I swear I see fire works . This kiss is roar and sincere .Nothing like any of the ones we have shared .
He breaks the kiss and takes my hand into his .I jump off the stool and I know its time when we start heading to the bedroom .
*   *   *  *   *  *  *
Seth pushes me against the door the moment we walk in . His lips are fierce on mine as he drives me over the edge with his fingers .  His fingers work expertly and I moan when his tongue meets mine . My fingers are in his hair successfully receiving a moan of approval I press into him .
My dress is slipped off me and I pull off his shirt .
I gasp in need as he starts trailing kisses down my neck and chest .
He carries me off to the bed and I can hear the rain pouring outside the moment he enters me .He starts off gently but we pick up our pace and find our rhythm as time elapses and soon we are lost in a world of our own .I can feel his every emotion .His love ,need,adoration as bold as the sun .Scorching my skin , leaving its marks and each spot he touches catches fire instantly .I call out his name and pray ,beg him never to leave me and I know he won't . The pleasure is twice what you feel in normal sexual intercourse because I am bonded to him .He is mine .We finally climax and he cages me in his arms and kisses my forehead until I drift off to  sleep in the safety of his arms .
The last chapter in the book is coming up next ..
Will there be a seqeal? It depends on your response to it
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