T E N: P A R T O N E

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i mean, i've been starving y'all but-


Also, I have determined I am extremely uncreative seeing how many of you guessed the plot twist correctly. 😒


Enjoy :)

Jung Hoseok sat on the tiled floor of his hospital room, leaning on the right side of his bed for support

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Jung Hoseok sat on the tiled floor of his hospital room, leaning on the right side of his bed for support. An occasional sniffle would leave his mouth as he thought of what had happened a couple hours earlier-

He had finally, finally, after all this time, been able to fall asleep. However, the brunette was prevented from staying asleep after (Y/n), who at this point he considered to be his own, adorable, little lullaby with how much she had calmed and relaxed him after only a short while of being aquainted, left him.

It was strange really; Hoseok had never felt as comfortable with someone before as Hoseok had felt with this new volunteer- not even compared to his own sister. He felt safe and at ease with the (h/c)-haired female and somehow, subconciously, the patient's body had felt so safe and at ease it had decided to fall into a peaceful slumber.

That slumber was broken, though, when his little lullaby had floated away, moving locations and leaving him.

Hoseok could feel it instantly, the lose of comfort and security from his room when the girl had exited his room for another's. His body had awoken instantly, searching for (Y/n)'s bright smile and calming voice. And when he could not find them? The insomniac was left with what he was always left with-

his thoughts.

And they were getting darker and darker the longer he was alone.

In fact, he had got to thinking about who (Y/n) might have journeyed to next. Oh, how jealous he became of whoever it was who she had visited after him.

He was so jealous that he could just imagine the other patient's squeals as he dug a blade into their h-

A door opening pulled him out of the insanity that was his mind, and the brunette's light brown eyes moved to meet those of an armed escort.

Ah, it was time for lunch.


Jung Hoseok yawned, sitting down at Table #43, the table all patients residing in the same hall as him had to sit at. Most of the time, the young man enjoyed eating a bit of food and socializing with the other guys who sat with him, but today, he was too nervous to do anything of the sort. He was not stupid, he knew (Y/n) would have to come back sometime and clean their rooms, and he was excited for it- the male had missed his lullaby as soon as she had left him and he had made sure to also leave a big enough mess to where he was sure the girl would have to stay longer this time, spending time in the male's room, cleaning.

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