December 20th

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As the sun lingers around the sky, shining its bright beams, it shines their way into Baekhyun's room. The boy was awaken by the bright beams shining in his eyes; he woke up cold. He takes a look to his side to see an empty space.

Chanyeol left.

Frowning, Baekhyun automatically remembers that he spent the night then had to leave to return back to his family. Grabbing his phone to check the time, he had four new messages from him.

Chanyeollie 🥰 07:28
good morning baekhyunnie 😊

Chanyeollie 🥰 07:28
i was intentionally going to wake you up
but you were sleeping peacefully cute that
i couldn't wake you up 😕

Chanyeollie 🥰 07:29
i got home safely and saved a lot of kisses
for you on the 22nd when we go to the
mansion so be ready 😏😙

Chanyeollie 🥰 07:30
i also chose our room the furthest away
from every one else's, so you'll be sleeping
with me sweets 😋🍭

Baekhyun smiled brightly when reading those messages; feeling his heart beat so lively. When reading the last message, Baekhyun briefly remembered the words Chanyeol had said before he drifted off to sleep: But we can't get caught, okay? We'll tell them on Christmas.

Right. Baekhyun has to keep this a secret for now. He can't make them suspect a single thing. Just as Baekhyun was about to get out of bed, there was a knock that came from the front of his room—the door opened.

"Baekhyun-ah. Good morning, son," His father greets, "So how was your stay at the cabin? Did you and Chanyeol get along well in there?" he asks. They definitely got more along as days went by, "You can say that," The boy says briefly, "Alright. Well, come downstairs to eat lunch—well, brunch for you." Mr. Byun closes the door as Baekhyun felt his belly make a loud growl on cue.

After washing up and getting dressed into fresh new clothes, Baekhyun stepped downstairs to be greeted with his family, "Hey, little brother. It's been a while," His older brother, Baekbeom, stood and gave his sibling a welcoming hug as they haven't seen each other in years since they go to different universities. "I missed you, Hyung!" Baekhyun hugs back before parting and sitting in their seats.

Once finished, Mrs. Byun had told Baekhyun to get changed as they were going to meet up with the Parks at the shopping mall to do last-minute Christmas shopping. Grabbing his wallet and coat, Baekhyun out on his shoes and exited the estate, following everyone into their family car and driving off to the mall.

"Baekhyunnie!" A feminine voice called from afar as Baekhyun saw Yoora waving her arm in the air to catch his attention. "Yoora Noona!" Baekhyun runs up to the female and gives her a warm hug. He then sees Chanyeol follow up and by shock, the taller looked hot.

His black hair was slicked back to where his forehead was showing. He wore a thick jacket that complemented his look along with tight skinny jeans that shaped his slender legs. Baekhyun felt so hot-and-bothered can, feeling his cheeks heat up.

"Come, Baekhyun. Let's look at some clothes for you!" Yoora exclaims and grabs his wrist, yanking him into an expensive store where the older immediately picked out clothes for him. Right behind, Chanyeol wandered into the store while Yoora gave him the first set of clothes to wear. They were black skinny jeans with a black shirt, but the coat was a light baby blue to add some color.

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