December 8th

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"Chanyeol, if you keep doing that, you might as well kiss me—" Baekhyun outbursts. He didn't even think once about saying that, it just came out. "What if I will?" The other challenged, smirking and began to lean in. Baekhyun scowled and leaned up, closing the gap and hungrily attacking the other's lips. The taller smirked through the kiss as he brought the smaller up and took off both of their shirts, making their way to the steaming hot shower where they—

Baekhyun woke up. His heart was racing as he quickly sat up again. That damn memory wouldn't stop playing in his head that he may have thought of scenes of what would have happened if Chanyeol did kiss him. "Shit! Baekhyun, snap out of it!" He slapped himself a few times, trying to get rid of hi lewd mind set. The boy groaned as he checked the time on his phone that read 04:58.

Eventually, Baekhyun fell back asleep where another set of scenes filled up the interrupted part of the real scene from last night.

It was now mid day where Baekhyun had woken up. He has been exhausted from waking up every hour or so to stop himself from having those lucid dreams. It went from them in the shower, to the bed— Aish! What am I thinking??

Baekhyun sat up, checking his daily social media from any social media app he had before washing up and starting his day.

"Morning Baekhyun," Minseok greeted as he took a sip from his hot coffee. "Hey," he yawned, looking around the area and noticed that nobody else was home except them two. "Where's everybody else?" He asked the older, heading to the kitchen where he took the prepared bowl from Kyungsoo. "They went down the trail to go skating." Minseok replied. "Skating? Where the hell did they get ice skates?" Asked the younger, taking big, full bites on his food as the conversation continued between him and Minseok. "Supposedly, Chanyeol's friend Sehun and another guy came by and brought ice skates for all of us." He sipped.

"Oh.... Why didn't you go?"

"Ice skating isn't for me,"

"Well, you should still go and watch them skate at least," Baekhyun suggested, "I was actually waiting for you to wake up. I didn't want to go there and just sit at the side while they're skating — heck, Jongdae might have convinced me to skate with him." The two of them laughed. "Alright, let me go get ready, then." Baekhyun turned on his heel and retreated into his room to equip his outside clothes and a heavy jacket. Once finished, both him and Minseok left the estate and walked to the frozen lake.

On the way there, it was too quiet for the both of them, so Minseok came up with a conversation.

"So, do you have a special someone to celebrate Christmas with?" He asked. Baekhyun just crossed his arms and huffed, emitting water vapor from their breaths; air being very cold. "No.." Baekhyun kicked the snow in front of him, "Really? I thought it was Chanyeol?" The older looked at the other, in complete surprise that his assumptions were incorrect. "Oh! No... I don't have anything for Chanyeol.."he said, trying to hide his lie. "Are you sure? I always hear you guys talk like you guys are close." "We used to be," he kicked the snow again. "Then, what happened?" Minseok looked to the boy on his left with his ears open.

Baekhyun inhaled the cold air. "It's just... I used to like him. Okay, maybe more than liked. I asked him out one day, on Christmas and things didn't go so well." The boy frowned. "Aww Baek, I'm sorry." Minseok patted the younger's shoulder. "What's there to be sorry about? It was my own damn fault for asking him out all of a sudden.. especially when we're the both gender.." "Hey, don't be like that!" Minseok exclaimed, "It's his loss. Don't worry Baek, somebody will come by." He smiled, "Thanks, Hyung," Baekhyun smiled back.

24 Days of Baekhyun - Chanbaek ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя