December 1st

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"Baekhyun, pack your things we're going to Grandma's house for the holidays."

"Actually, I'm sick. I don't want to infest anyone."

"Merry Christmas Chanyeol, are you going to do anything special?"


"C'mon Baek, let's go do something today."

"I don't feel like going, sorry."

"Chanyeollie, let's go to the mall to go Christmas shopping."

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to go."

"Baekhyun, did anything happen? Why don't you want to celebrate Christmas anymore?

"Chanyeol, what's wrong with you? What happened to the happy Chanyeol when Christmas is near?"


"Mom, do I really have to go?" Baekhyun asked once more, trying to convince his mother to not go to the winter cabin. "Yes and that's final," she declared. "I'm sick and tired of my son missing out on Christmas, especially when he doesn't want to explain why you don't want to celebrate the best holiday." Baekhyun rolled his eyes and silently groaned as he placed his suitcase in the trunk before entering the car.

"But why do I have to stay with him?" he emphasized the last word, not even wanting to say the person's name. "You and Chanyeol were the best of friends and would always hang out wherever you guys went. Your father and I had a talk with the Parks that both of our sons should make up and rekindle their friendship." she explained, setting up the GPS on her phone and hooking it up to the phone holder. Baekhyun was silent after that, not wanting to say anymore; in fact, he was silent for the whole four-hour car ride.

Once the Byuns have made it to the winter cabin, Mrs. Byun spotted the familiar vehicle out in the distance, notifying her husband that the Parks have arrived. Baekhyun looked dejected when he saw the big cabin. No, he was not excited to live in a house with the person he hates for twenty-four days.

Huffing out of the car, the fresh snow was flattened when Baekhyun stepped out, taking out his suitcase and following his family into the rented cabin. This was his chance to make a run for it, but he had to protest as they chose the cabin in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by a bundle of trees wherever Baekhyun was facing. He entered the house to meet with the warmth slamming him in the face, turning his cheeks into a light pink colour.

"Baekhyun! Come give me a hug, I've missed you so much!" a feminine voice called. Baekhyun was happy to see Yoora, giving her a big warm hug. "I haven't seen you since three years ago, bro. I'm glad to see you've grown taller than me now." She laughed, teasing the younger, but Baekhyun didn't mind. The laughter stopped when someone in particular had entered the room.

Park Chanyeol.

Baekhyun's smile went away and replaced it with an indignant face once he met eyes with the taller. Clearing up the thin atmosphere, Yoora excused her and Baekhyun to take him to his room. "I still don't get why you hate my little brother." Yoora said out of the blue, leading the latter to his room that was saved by her, not wanting her little brother to take the better looking room. "It's personal." Baekhyun tried to avoid the whole explaining thing. Yoora understood immediately that the younger was uncomfortable-she switched topics.

"Since the master bedroom is off-limits, because it would be unfair for one to inhabit the big room, I saved this room just for you," she smiled, "Trust me, it's better than what Chanyeol has." Baekhyun thanked Yoora for picking the room and placed his suitcase inside before going back to the main room.

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