December 25th

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"Attention everybody!" Yoora tapped her glass with a fork, grabbing everyone's attention, "I have an announcement to make. Well, someone does!" she smirks. Chanyeol then appeared with a bouquets of flowers, and a gift box. His hair was slicked back as he was dressed slightly formal, walking up to Baekhyun. "Merry Christmas, Baekhyun." he said with a deep voice.

Everyone in the estate knew about their relationship from today as Chanyeol planned out everything. Both parents of the family were glad that they had been going out and wanted to help out. When Chanyeol handed the smaller the gift box; he opened it.

It was a blue bear plushie.

"C-Chanyeol.." Baekhyun felt his eyes sting as a wave of emotion began to come through. It was the same plushie he had been wanting for years since the day they met.

"Hey, look at that! That bear looks so cute!" Baekhyun points at the plushie that was displayed on the shelf. Sadly, that bear was one of the expensive ones as it was limited edition. "You want that bear?" Chanyeol asks as he admires the bear from afar. Baekhyun sadly nods, "Yeah. But it's so expensive and it's limited edition." he frowns.

Now that Baekhyun has the bear in his hands, he couldn't be any happier. "Chanyeol, thank you! Thank you!" Baekhyun embraces the taller with a warm hug as he pecks and pecks him all over. He then realizes that they still haven't told everyone about their relationship and had a shocked expression. He looks all around and they were all smiling at the two at the center.

"Oh my gosh! I totally forgot we haven't told them yet—"

"Baekhyun, sweetie. It's alright. Chanyeol had told us this morning and we couldn't be any happier!" Mrs. Byun clasped her hands as she lively smiles at her husband. "Whoa, who knew my little brother would fall in love." Baekbeom jokes, only to get a glare from his mother.

"Right, anyways. Baekbeom Oppa, you owe me fifty dollars!" Yoora extends her hand. "Right.. Damn it!" he scowls as he reaches in his back pocket for his wallet; giving the cash to the younger who had a triumphed smile plastered on her face.

"Alright everyone! Picture time!" Mrs. Park announced and gestured everyone to head to the Christmas tree where they would be taking the photos. Before they could, Yoora had slipped out of the scene and went to fetch something that was a surprise for all.

"Let's go with the Byun family first!" She set up the camera and put it in place. She zoomed and focused on the family of four—make that five— "Wait! Mongryoung, come here!"  Baekhyun commands as the corgi jumped up on his hands in seconds. "Alright everyone, smile!" Mrs. Park says—the family smiling—and snaps about three times before it was her family.

As for the Parks, the men were at the back while the women were at the front, obviously because Chanyeol and his dad around six-feet tall. "Everyone set?" Me. Byun asks as Yoora had finally settled Toben to stop moving. "Alright, smile!" He clicks.

Finally, it was Christmas morning and everyone had rushed downstairs to gather around the Christmas tree where the gifts were settled. "Youngest go first." Yoora announces and glances over to Jaehyun and Taeyong. Everyone had their attention on them when they were handed a pile of presents and the two opened them in seconds. They had gotten amazing things like new clothes, new shoes and a few games that they were excited to play.

The next pair was Baekhyun and Chanyeol; everyone still excited to see them get so close since the news they had received that the two youngest sons of the Byun and Park family were dating.

"Here, this is for you." Chanyeol hands the older a small box with a cute little bow. Baekhyun opened the top and smiled when he received a thin ring with a green emerald in view. "This ring is cute!" Baekhyun slips the ring on, "Thank you, that was from me, by the way!" Yoora exclaims and waves her hand. "Thank you, Yoora Noona!" The boy stands up and hugs the older. She replies with a 'you're welcome' before Baekhyun could sit back down to Chanyeol.

Baekhyun was astonished when he opened the last box—the box he had saved for last—and saw five Sumikko Gurashi super mochi mochi plushies right in front of him. "Chanyeol, did you really—"

"Shh. Just enjoy them." The younger sweetly smiles. "Thank you so much." Baekhyun pouts and pecks Chanyeol on the cheek. Just then, as they were about to clean up their mess, Yoora had came up behind them and tip-toed, holding something in the air. "Now kiss, you fools." she commands. The two boys flushed a red face as they looked at each other. Everyone had their full attention on the two boys as they leaned in and placed their lips together. 'Awe's and whistles could be heard from the back as the two continued to kiss.

Once ten seconds was over, they were breathless, mesmerized with one-another's eyes. "Merry Christmas, Yeol." Baekhyun playfully pinched the younger's cheek. "And Merry Christmas to you too, Baek." Chanyeol giggles and pokes the older's nose.

As the gift opening ceremony was finished, everyone else could finally relax as they did whatever they wanted for the whole day—mostly packing—but other than that, they all had their own free time.

After several hot chocolates and Christmas movies later, everyone was settled around the living room again once more as the fireplace glowed with a passion. Mr. Park cleared his throat, "I would like to thank everyone who had a great time; thank the workers for making us feel like home and served us well. Anyways, I hope all of you guys had a great Christmas, especially to our children. Baekhyun and Chanyeol, especially, I am greatful that both of you rekindled your relationship—even took it one step further—and have your Christmas spirit again." Mr. Park pats his son's back.

After the toast from Chanyeol's father, everyone had retreated back into their rooms as the time was a quarter to ten in the evening and had to leave first thing in the morning.

Baekhyun had his comfy pajamas on as Chanyeol joined him in bed, snuggling together and found warmth, but Chanyeol had one more thing up his sleeve. "Baekhyun, don't sleep yet." Chanyeol commanded. Baekhyun had his eyes wide open at his sudden words and let the younger continue, "I have one more gift for you. Can you guess?" he smirks. Almost immediately, Baekhyun recognized that evil little smirk he had on his sexy face, "No, tell me." He plays along. "Or maybe, show me." Baekhyun challenged.

"Oh, I'll show you, Byun." Chanyeol licks his lips before attacking the older's, hungrily kissing those sweet and tasteful lips. "Merry Christmas, Baek." Chanyeol sexily says before they get under the sheets and the moaning madness began.

Merry Christmas!

I would like to thanks @ftbyun and @lattehyun for helping me with the whole plot lines and the arrangements for this book. I thank you both dearly!

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