December 2nd

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Baekhyun woke up sweating.

He felt like we wanted to throw up, but he didn't eat. He found himself back at the cabin, confused as ever, remembering that he was outside in the freezing cold before he blacked out. Baekhyun was covered with a heavy duvet and saw the fire was low. Taking his gaze lower, he spotted a plate of rice, fried eggs and sausage.

Did Chanyeol do all this?

No, Baekhyun thought, as he knew Chanyeol wouldn't even lay a finger on him. Baekhyun instead thought it was from Wendy. He should thank her later when he has a chance to see her again.

Baekhyun carefully sat up and ate the cooked food from the plate, munching it quickly as he didn't eat anything the day before.

Baekhyun heard the door behind him open and close. It was Chanyeol holding a few grocery bags. "Good morning." Chanyeol greeted as he saw Baekhyun was doing much better. Baekhyun replied with a soft nod and put his plate in the sink. Out of no where, Baekhyun said:

"Where's your girlfriend?"

"Gone, why?"

"I need to thank her for nurturing me yesterday."

"What do you— Oh, yeah." Chanyeol put on a stone-cold face. "The fuck did you even go yesterday?" The taller asked. "Just... for a walk." Baekhyun replied, ignoring the rudeness. "Well don't walk outside anymore. It's freezing and I don't want me—I mean—Wendy to save your ass out there again!" Chanyeol declared before putting the groceries away and trudging to his room.

What's his problem?

Well, I mean, what I did was kinda stupid.

Baekhyun shook off his mental talk and washed his plate before cleaning up the mess in the living room. He fixed the throw pillows and carried his duvet back to his bed, smoothing the wrinkles of the sheets then decided to take a hot shower.

He went to his suitcase and searched for his bathroom essentials, but his toothbrush and body wash was no where to be found.

"Damn it, I must've forgotten it." he muttered to himself before taking his coat, about to leave the cabin when words repeated in his mind.

"Well don't walk outside anymore. It's freezing..."

And Baekhyun had to agree that it was freezing.

Grunting, Baekhyun went to the other hallway to knock on Chanyeol's germ-infested door and hesitated to knock, but before he could, the door swung open to reveal Chanyeol standing right in front of the door frame. Being flustered, Baekhyun cleared his throat and said what he had to say.

"Drive me to the nearest shop."

"No, go walk."

"But weren't you the one who said I'm not allowed to walk outside anymore?" Baekhyun remarked. Chanyeol scowled at the smirking boy and grabbed his coat from the coat hanger. "Fine."

Baekhyun was the first one out of the house, Chanyeol following and unlocked his car—both entering. The two didn't talk the whole car trip to the shop, which was about four miles away from their cabin. Why did Chanyeol's parents have to choose the one furthest away from any community.

About forty minutes later, there was a small town that the capacity may be around a hundred. Chanyeol parked near the supermarket and both exited, rushing inside to escape the winter air. Baekhyun went to the toiletries aisle and picked out a minty scent of body wash before he went to pick up a decent toothbrush with toothpaste, buying extra things just in case anything runs out. Baekhyun then went to the foods isle and bought a few snacks, knowing Chanyeol wouldn't allow him to share his food.

24 Days of Baekhyun - Chanbaek ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora