"Could they even have a ship name?"

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Ok, don't be a chicken, don't be a chicken. You got this. It's just Ryan and he's your best friend. Maybe I'm just expecting the worst to happen, I mean he's not gonna just squash my feelings. Maybe my confidence but not my feelings.

"Hey what ate are you doing here?" Joe asks when I knock on their front door. Fear starts to control my body and I just put a fake smile on. "Jos wants you to have this, it's a letter that she personally wrote. She would give it to you in person but she's going to be working all week so this is just something for you to ponder on." I explain and he smiles bashfully. "Thanks for bringing it by, do you want to come in? I made some hot cocoa." He offers and I nod, he opens the door wider and I step into their apartment.

"I hear Veronica's voice and the mentioning of hot cocoa!" Chase comes running down the hall like a bat out of hell. "Chase! My baby!" I run towards him and he hugs me like those old movies with the slow motion background music. "Please children, let's sit down," Joe demands and we both sit down at the bar. Joe starts to make us both a glass of hot chocolate. "Thanks, Joe for the amazing hot cocoa. Do you know if Ryan is home?" I ask, what a stupid question. Of course, he would fucking know, they live together.

"Yeah he's here and awake, he just got a cup before you showed up. What's up?" He asks and I feel my heart pounding again. "I'm sure you heard from LANY that they're forcing to act upon my feelings towards Ryan," I whisper and Chase laughs obnoxiously. "Of course we've heard, we all gossip about Veryan," Chase whispers back and I gasp. "You guys have had about a month to start gossiping about a ship name and Veryan is all you came up with?" I joke and the two of them roll their eyes. "Well, go take your shot, smart-ass." Joe jokes and Chase pushes me off the bar stool.

I start to shake a little as I make my way down the dark hallway, I do stop to laugh at the painting on Zach's door that spelled out his name in block letters and had cute drawings on it. What made me laugh was honestly that the bottom corner was signed by Chase, so he had to of drawn it. They literally are the equivalence of Jos and me; they act like they hate each other but deep down they still have that bond.

I stand at Ryan's door and contemplate running away, but I made a deal with Jos to go through with it once she spoke to Joe about them, and since she made the letter that means I have to push through.

Once I knock I hear a faint voice telling me to come in. As soon as he sees that it's me walking through, he lights up like a Christmas tree. "Veronica! What brought you over here?" He asks and moves his legs to make a spot for me to sit down. I was shocked at how organized his room was. "Joe and Joselyn stuff." I shortly explain and he smiles. "Could they even have a ship name?" He asks and I shrug. "Joeslyn." I try and he burst into laughter.

"What a horrible ship name." He giggles and I wanted to hear him laugh even more, but he hasn't heard our theoretical ship name yet, so if it comes up I'll hear it again.

"I uh, I wanted to talk to you about something and if it's totally off all you have to do it hit me, and I'll stop. Like honestly you can just hit my arm as hard as you want when you want me to stop. I don't want to make things awkward or make it weird for us, so stop me at any time." I babble and he smirks at me. "Go on." He commands and my heart rate was picking up the more I looked at the smirk on his face.

"So I know this may sound so far-fetched and weird, I know I'm a little bean. I'm not like the most drop dead gorgeous girl and I honestly don't know why I keep rambling on." I stop when I see him inching closer to me. Oh no, he's about to fucking laugh in my face because I'm such a damn dweeb. However, my body tenses up when he kisses me. His lips were so fucking soft and I unintentionally find myself wrapping my arms around his neck to pull me closer.

When we break away for air I can't help but smile widely. "What made you do that?" I question and pushed away the strand of hair that fell in front of my face. "I heard you in the kitchen talking to the guys. And to think that Joeslyn is better than Veryan." He chuckles and I grin. I mean have these guys never read fanfiction? Like the best ship names are formed online and they don't have the talent to put theirs out there.

"So, what does this mean for us?" I ask and he shrugs. "Whatever you want it to mean." He smiles down at me and I scrunch up my nose to ponder any thought. "Maybe we should start like anyone else would, like over dinner or something," I suggest and he leans back to his previous spot. "I'll pick you up on Saturday. I'll pick the best venue considering I'm a Nashville expert, all you gotta do is look as beautiful as you always do." He states boldly and I smile.

"So if I don't look as 'good' as I always do? Gonna cancel?" I jokingly question and he rolls his eyes. I mean I don't even know what he sees in me, I quite literally think I look like a big toe 99% of the time. "Not even possible for you to look bad." He chimed and I chuckle. "You obviously haven't seen me while sick or at the earliest hours of the morning," I reply and he shakes his head. "I could care less if you showed up in a trash bag or in Gucci, you're gonna look great." He kisses my cheek and I was the one to roll my eyes this time. I sip on my hot chocolate as I watch him staring at me adoringly.

"Well I'm glad this didn't end our friendship and all, but I've got to go home and pack Joselyn's dinner," I say and lean over to kiss his cheek before standing up. "You pack her food?" He asks with an amused smile. I did pack her food just because she's usually pushing the envelope on how long she sleeps, knowing she slept till the last minute in order to stay refreshed all night. "I always think that my job is hard but having to stay up all night and wipe asses does not sound appealing, so I pack her food because I need the reassurance that she's getting something that gives out energy," I explain and Ryan becomes all heart-eyes.

"That's so cute, you guys have the most adorable friendship." He was in awe and I just groan. "You're a dork." I push his head gently.

I wave once before going back into the hallway where I run into the 3 other band members outside the doorway, their bodies squished together. "Bye guys! Love y'all!" I cheerily speak as I make my way towards the front door.

What a successful day.



A Change of HeartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz