"Dressed like hobos, face like hoes."

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FYI I tried to proofread this but I'm so tired so... ignore it lmao

Prom day

Roni pov-

The windshield wiper motions that were happening on my eyelid only made me want to blink rapidly and itch my eyes. "You're looking good Roni." Joselyn says, her blonde hair was being braided on top. The girl who was doing my makeup stepped away to find glitter. "I don't know how you do your eye makeup everyday, it makes me tired and itchy." I tell her, she chuckles. "Beauty is pain." She mumbles.

I close my eyes again when the lady has glitter ready on her brush. "Just a little bit of lipstick before your pictures, and you're ready to go." The girl claps her hands, letting me open my eyes. "Damn." I say as I look in the mirror. "Holy shit Veronica, you're glowing. You're beautiful. Wow." Joselyn says, I smile gratefully. "Stop, you look just as amazing." I tell her.

The lady brushes Joselyns curls out softly, then spraying it with hairspray. "And voilà!" The girl says, spinning Jos around to see her overall look. "Holy shit! Is this what it feels like to be pretty?" She gasps, I slap her arm.

"Pictures are in an hour, are we trying to go eat McDonald's?" I ask, she nods her head. "We run to McDonald's for 15 minutes, go to your house to get our dresses on carefully, then head for pictures." Joselyn plans it out, I nod along. "Let's do it." I say, we pay the 2 girls and leave.


"Did you see that lady's look on her face when she saw us wearing full glam, but had sweatpants on?" I ask, shimmying into my dress carefully. "Dressed like hobos, face like hoes." Joselyn pants, still trying to pull the dress over her boobs. "Do you need help?" I ask, she groans. "I have a therapist for that." She laughs, I shake my head. "I know that, but do you need help with your dress?" I ask again, she nods. "Oh... yeah". She says, I go to stand in front of her.

I help put her arms through the sleeves, pulling it into position. "You're a saint." She says, smiling gratefully. "No problem friend." I say, bundling my dress in my hands. Joselyn reaches across to adjust my dress. "We are killing it." I say, she nods. "Let's go get pictures, my parents are meeting us there." Jos says, I nod.

We both get in my Camaro, I back out of the garage. "So what are you gonna do about George?" She asks after a few minutes of silence. "I might of blocked him from my story." I say hesitantly. "I thought you were joking!" She gasps. "Well, I do need just one night where I don't feel trapped in his self consciousness about Matty." I say, I see her eyes widen from my peripheral vision.

"Well shit, what does that mean?" She asks, I sigh. "It's like he doesn't trust me. He's self conscious that I'm going to break up with him for Matty, which I won't! He just overreacts, which is so dramatic. Why can't I have a guy friend?" I rant, she cackles. "Woah, maybe being single isn't too bad." She says, I laugh. "No joke." I say, she shakes her head.

"And we're here." I say, throwing my car into park. "Matty is meeting you here?" She asks, I nod. "Your sister is still taking pictures with her camera?" I ask, she nods.

We overlap our arms, making our way to both of our families. "You guys look gorgeous!" My mom yells. "Oh my gosh, you've guys have grown up so quick. Especially since freshman year." Joselyns mom says, kissing both of our cheeks. Joselyn had a huge ass family, so they were all littered around. "Well, my goodness girls! Y'all look so good. Veronica, are your tatas falling out?" My grandma shouts. She can't hear that well, so she yells everything. "Yes, they are." I laugh, hugging her.

"You look very pretty girl, I love this color." Grandma says to Joselyn, hugging her. "Let's get pictures!" Joselyns sister, Maddie, yells while snapping her fingers. "Joselyn and I first, together. Then we'll do separate ones. Then, we get pics with the families. That work everyone?" I yell over our loud crowd that gathered. "Yes!" They all consecutively say.

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