"Just read up on it on Cosmopolitan or something"

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"So how was your grandmas?" I ask when Matty comes trudging into my bedroom. "My what?" He asks while throwing his bag down. "Grandmas?" I ask unsurely. I for sure thought that was where he was going, maybe I heard him wrong.

"Oh yeah, it was pretty cool, I've missed my family." He says and I nod. "Well I've missed you." I tell him and he smiles widely. "Awe I've missed you too." He comes next to me and lays down. "You look cute in that shirt, where'd you get it?" I ask and run my fingertips across the hem. "Most likely Hot Topic, if I'm being honest." He laughs and pushes a few stands of my hair away from my eyes.

I stare at him, he honestly was gorgeous. I'm high school I never gave him the time of day just because I was so far up George's ass. Like Matty never treated me wrongly and I just threw him aside. Like he really was gorgeous, his black curls that fell loosely on his forehead, his 'bad boy, stoner' look, and just his happiness that radiates the room. He honestly was just good to be around.

"Whatcha thinking about?" He asks and I turn my head away, the blush was already crawling up my skin. Just the embarrassment of being caught in deep thought, knowing that it was about Matty Healy of all people was quite different for me. "Uh, nothing." My voice squeaks.

"Hm, what was it?" He pokes my side and I groan loudly. "I was just thinking about how shitty I was to you in high school." I partially tell the truth. "You weren't too bad. I mean you were my girlfriend for about 5 seconds and it was a good time. I mean, I wasn't going to force you into liking me or anything, so I'm okay with the treatment as long as we're good now." He comments and I smile widely. "Trust me, we're good now." I state, maybe too good.

"Is Jos home?" Matty asks and dips his neck in the crevice of mine. "Nope, works til midnight." I inform and he chuckles lightly. "Well, then let the welcome home party begin." He mumbles and begins kissing his way down my neck.


"So, what did you do at your grandmas?" I ask as we make our way to the kitchen to find some supper. "Oh, um nothing really." He muttered and I give him a look. "Nothing? You spent 2 days there to do absolutely nothing?" I ask and he nods.

"I have a very boring family." He states and I raise my eyebrows. "I met your mom in 7th grade and I find that very hard to believe." I state and he sighs. "We didn't do anything, okay." He snaps and I mentally hit him over the head.

I ignore his outburst and began to warm up some pasta. "So this is my first week here, how much rent do I need to start paying?" He asks and I sigh. "I don't know, we'll have to all sit down and discuss it. This is Jos and I's first adult thing, so we need to do it together." I mutter and he nods. "Okay, we can talk tomorrow." He says and I nod. "Sounds good." I say and take my pasta to the living room.

I hear him pouring cereal into a bowl and then adding milk, he takes a seat beside me. "So, what're we watching?" He asks and I shrug while scrolling through the channels. I click on Supernatural and ignore his pleads to turn it off.

I was honestly just shook still from him snapping at me over something as little as him hanging out with his family. "Hey, what's wrong?" He pokes my side and I just continue to eat my food. "Nothing's wrong." I say and turn the volume up slightly. "No, something's up and I just wanna know." He states and I sigh.

"I am just trying to wrap my mind on why you were so defensive over your family trip, it's not that deep. Like you could've said you went to eat Saturday and I would've been a mini-cheerleader over it." I say and he sighs. "This was supposed to be no feelings attached Roni, I don't need you to be my mini-cheerleader." He rolls his eyes, ah yes the Matty I originally knew from high school.

"So if I ask you a question that could be taken as a friend, you're going to assume I have feelings for you? Pathetic." I stand up and take my bowl to the sink. Honestly, that was the most testosterone thing I've heard. "Well I mean you seem so into this fwb thing and I wanna make sure you know it's all sexual benefits." He wagers and I literally laugh.

"God, you're such a guy. Everything is sex, I can't be you're friend anymore? Weren't we that before the benefits part? God, sleep on the small ass couch tonight because I'm not giving up my bed for you tonight, I'm just gonna be a horrible friend tonight because if I was a great fwb partner, I'd let you sleep in there." I groan and walk past the couch.

"You're really gonna make me sleep on this small ass couch?" He asks and I smile. "Unless you wanna sleep in your car again, I would say yes you're sleeping on the couch. Sorry friend." I bitterly say and walk into my room.


"Why was Matty on the couch when I came in?" Jos asks as I make a bowl of cereal. I was so glad that Lucy and I had the day off, the studio had photoshoots for the boys all day.

"We argued over something so stupid, I felt like a couple when in reality we're just fwb." I say and she laughs. "What has it been? A week? That's so pathetic wow, like this is lasting as long as your high school relationship with him." She chuckles and munches down on her apple.

"Well, he was taking my asking about his weekend out as a protective fwb partner instead of us being friends." I explain and she nods. "Hm, I never pegged him as the over-defensive boyfriend." She says and I laugh. "We're not dating, he's not my boyfriend." I say and she gives me a look.

"No one just signs up for fwb without expecting to date." She laughs and my eyes widen. "What no! I don't want to actually date him, that's not why I did all of it." I hurry to explain. "I mean in most cases it's that way, and even if it was that way with y'all I could care less. I do commend you for making him sleep on the couch and not giving your bed up like you usually do, totally badass." She says and I snort.

"I don't know what I've gotten myself into." I admit and she nods. "Most people feel that way too, just read up on it on Cosmopolitan or something." She says as she puts her apple core in the trash.

"I hate you." I shake my head and put my bowl in the sink. I honestly regret this partnership already and it's been a week.

Shitty update I'm sorry

A Change of HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora