"Oh my god. This isn't happening."

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Weeks later

Roni pov-

"Got the tickets?" I ask, Joselyn nods. "Do you have all of your stuff? Considering you packed the first day we figured out we were going." She counters. "Yes, I'm good to go." I tell her, she looks around the airport.

I start to feel nervous about meeting George, what if he doesn't like me in person? "You're nervous aren't you?" Joselyn asks, grabbing my shoulder lightly. "Just a tad bit. What if he doesn't like me in person? Or if his address isn't legit, because his roommates could be sabotaging us?" I ask, she laughs. "I trust them, and I trust George. If he can like you over the phone for 3 years, he can like you in person." She says, which relieves some of my fears.

"Flight 317 to Anaheim California, begin boarding now. I repeat, flight 317 to Anaheim California board now." The overhead speaker says, I look at Jos. We sigh at the same time, then make our way to the checkpoint. They check our boarding pass, then we walk the hallway that leads up to the plane.

"We're really going to see him." I state, Jos takes her seat beside me. "Yes, we are. You're sure about this?" She asks, I nod. "I'm excited and nervous, but hey we get to go to Disney." I say, she smiles. "Here's to our last spring break together as high schoolers." She says, we high five quickly.

The plane lands, I begin to feel nervous again. "We're here, Anaheim California. I'm excited." Joselyn says, clapping a little bit. "I've still have some reservations about meeting George, but I'm excited to spend spring break anywhere but Tennessee." I say, she nods.


We slept well at the hotel, California was so pretty at night. "So, what's the plan for the day?" Joselyn asks, I shrug. "Disney all day?" I suggest, she nods. "I'm so excited to take artsy pictures with you. Then the rides! I'm so excited." She exclaims, throwing the curtains open. "God, I can understand the Disney excitement, but please no sunlight right now." I groan, covering my eyes until she closed the curtains.

We get dressed, then head to Disney. Which we found out that staying off the resort was cheaper, then buying tickets for the day we wanted to go.

"Oh my god, is that Peter Pan?" Joselyn shouts, hitting my arm. "Oh my, yes it is!" I exclaim. We speed walk to him, getting our phones ready.

"Peter pan, at your service." He says, doing a small curtsy. "Can we get a picture?" I ask, he smiles widely. "Of course, Peter Pan loves pictures!" He shouts, posing slightly. I go by him first, Joselyn aiming the phone at us. We both do his signature pose, looking away in the distance.

We then change places, he poses the same but Jos kisses his cheek instead. "Ah! I am just a boy! I can not kiss a girl, she has cooties." Peter Pan yells, Joselyn laughs. "Thank you Peter!" We yell, waving him off. "That was ballsy." I say, she shrugs. "Who cares? It's just Peter Pan, I'm out here trying to have fun." She says, smile on her face.

We get on our first ride, Splash Mountain. "You do realize it's going to spray us with water right?" I ask, she nods. "I'm excited, are you?" She asks, I nod. "Let's fucking go." I say, strapping myself in.

"God I'm so exhausted." I say, collapsing on the bed. "Me too, but Disneyland was fun." She says, I nod in agreement. "Do you think we should just explore California tomorrow? Shop and tourist type stuff?" I ask, she stays silent for a second. "Yeah that would be fun. They have Targets here right?" She asks, I chuckle. "I hope so." I say, laughing still.

A Change of HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon