"I'm Joselyn and I've heard you've got a cute son."

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week later

"I'm so tired that I can't even tie my shoes." I whine and Jos puts my foot on her lap. "Well this is your second Sunday off, how do you feel?" She asks and ties my shoes. "I feel like I could die, but like that would be too real." I groan as I stand up.

"Hey, you've done so good though. We're just going to shop and be back ASAP." She reassures as she helps me walk to the car. "So, what do you have left to learn? You've done a lot it seems." She asks and I sigh. "I probably have 2 weeks worth, but the way he teaches it'll be a week." I laugh, but she was quiet because she doesn't know how crazy this fucker is.

"I made a list of groceries, but review it to make sure it's all we need. Add more if you need to." She says and pulls the list out of her bra. "You did not just do that." I squeal and she laughs. "I did." She laughs and I shake my head.

I read over her list; half gallon milk, bread, cheese sticks, noodles, spaghetti sauce, macaroni cups, Scooby fruit snacks, Ryan's favorite walnuts, pizza, and drinks. "Why walnuts for Ryan?" I ask while laughing. "He told me the other day he wishes we had walnuts in the house, I don't even know." She shakes her head and I grab a pen from the cup holder.

I add cereal, cake mix, tamales, and Capri-Sun. "Okay, now we're set." I say while handing the list back and she sticks it back in her bra.


"I don't know why we shop at target, we always come back with more than expected." I mutter as we carry in more than we needed. "Shit happens." She says and puts the bags on the counter.

I rub my eyes as I started to put the fridge items up. "Roni, why don't you go lay down. I can unload groceries and you sleep, it'll be fine. You need the rest." Jos tells me and I smile. "Are you sure?" I ask and hoped she say sure. "I'm positive, rest girl. The circles under your eyes are darker than my humor." She jokes and I grimace. "They're Prada." I rebuttal. "They're nada." She smirks. "Fuck off." I rub my eyes and turn away.

My phone starts to vibrate and I hope to god they aren't calling me into work. I can't handle anymore. I see Lucy's name and automatically assume the worst.

R: What's up buttercup?
L: Nothing much, you?
R : About to take a nap, I've been working 12 hours, 6 days a week.
L: Awe, poor baby. Speaking of babies, I'm in labor.
R: What! I'm on my way, which hospital?
L: No no, go take your nap. I'm not even 5 centimeters yet, I just got my epidural so I'm feeling realllll good. I'm at Vandy though.
R: You can't be serious, why are you calling me in this middle of it? You could of called me earlier and I would've been there!
L: Please go nap and when you wake up it'll be time for you to meet my baby. You've been working so hard and you need rest. Bye honey.
R: Uh, bye...

"That was the weirdest conversation I've had. Ever." I say and turn back to the kitchen. "Why? Who was it?" Jos asks as she puts things in the cabinets. "Well, Lucy went into labor and didn't tell me until halfway through the conversation. Which when I asked what was up, she said nothing much. She told me to nap and then come see her." I explain and Jos turns to look at me. "You're shitting me." She says and I shake my head. "Dead serious." I tell her.

"So, what are you gonna do?" She asks. "Imma nap."

When I wake up I already feel better. I look at the clock and I've already been asleep for 3 hours. Damn.

"Jos?" I ask and scratch my head slightly, a yawn escaping my lips. I see her passed out on our small couch. I shake her slightly and she jumps up. "Yeah, I'm up." She says and I laugh. "You are now." I joke and she mimicked me.

A Change of HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora