Chapter Eighteen, Kaoru's Birthday

Start from the beginning

~Momoko's P.O.V~

i woke up laying face down on some thing hard. i opened my eyes and noticed i was on the floor in the hall way. i could feel some thing touching my hand so i quickly looked to see what it was. i smiled when i noticed brick and i had been holding hands in our sleep. i looked up at brick's face then gasped and started to laugh. brick was wearing my bow and had a fake mustache drawn on his face. his face also said "i'm an idiot". i quickly sat up and shook brick awake. "whaa?", brick said as he opened his eyes. "bricky---", i started to say but started laughing. "what?", brick asked as he sat up. brick smiled at me then said,"your wearing my hat?". "i am?", i said. "yeah", brick said as he smiled. "come on you have to see your self", i said as i stood up and helped brick up. "why? whats wrong with me?", brick asked. "oh you will see", i said as we walked down the hall to brick's room. once we were in his room we walked into the bathroom. "look in the mirror", i said as i chuckled. brick looked in the mirror and gasped as he seen himself. "why am i wearing your bow?", brick asked. "i have no clue", i said as i smiled. "butch did this", brick said. "how do you know?", i asked. "because that's his hand writing", brick said. "you know even when your wearing my bow you still look like a bad boy", i said as i smiled. brick laughed as took the bow out of his hair. i took off brick's hat and put it back oh his head. "come on", i said as i pulled brick over to the bathtub. brick sat down on the edge of the bathtub as i quickly walked over and got a washrag and wet it so i could wipe the marker off brick's face. i walked back over to brick. i put my left hand softly on the side of brick's face. with my other hand i used the rag and gently started to wipe the marker off brick's face. brick smiled as he looked up at me. "what?", i asked. "you", brick said. "what about me?", i asked. "your so caring", brick said. "well i try to be", i said as i smiled. i pulled the rag away after the marker was gone. brick stood up and we both walked over to the sink and grabbed our tooth brushes. since brick and i some times sleep in each others rooms we figured we should just have our own toothbrushes in each others rooms. after we both finished brushing our teeth brick asked,"you hungry?". "yeah. are you?", i asked. "yeah why don't we go down stairs and have butch make us breakfast", brick said as he smiled. "okay", i said as i smiled to. brick and i walked out of his room and into the hallway. we walked to the elevator and rode it down until we reached the floor the kitchen was on. once the elevator doors opened we stepped out and walked into the kitchen. butch was standing at the counter pouring himself a bowl of cereal. kaoru, miyako, and boomer were already sitting at the table eating breakfast. "hey sleepy heads its nice to see that you two finally crawled out of bed. oh wait i mean the floor", butch joked as he smirked at us. "yeah it was so nice you to draw brick's face", i said as i crossed my arms. "you drew on brick's face", boomer asked as he looked at butch. "kaoru even put momoko's bow in his hair", butch said as he laughed. "and i have pictures", kaoru said as she pulled out her phone and showed miyako and boomer the pictures. miyako and boomer chuckled as they seen them. "so butch where is our breakfast?", brick asked as we both sat down. "ugh i forgot about that.. waffles?", butch said. "waffles okay with you?", brick asked. "sounds good", i said as i smiled. butch walked over to the freezer and pulled out a box of frozen waffles and took them over to the toaster. "so kaoru, no hang over today?", i asked. "nope", kaoru said as she smiled. "i'm just glad i didn't get one again this time", i said. "so are you glad your finally 18?", miyako asked. "i'm stoked. i feel so free", kaoru said. "only one more day until your 18 miyako. i bet your excited", i said. "yeah i'm really excited", miyako said as she smiled. miyako stood up and took her bowl to the sink. "i really need to get home to my grandma", miyako said. "tell her i said hi and i'm sorry i have not dropped by in a while", i said. "yeah she asks about you two some times", miyako said as she smile. "we should visit soon kaoru", i said. "yeah we should. miyako's grandma is pretty cool", kaoru said. "yeah she is like a grandma to us to", i said referring to kaoru and i. "well i'd love to meet her some day", boomer said. "i promise you can meet her soon boomie", miyako said as she walked back over to boomer. miyako put her hand on boomer's shoulder and leaned down and kissed his cheek. "here ya go", butch said as he set a plate of burnt waffles that was soaked in syrup. "butch!", brick said loudly. "i told you i cant cook!", butch said. "how the hell do you mess up toaster waffles!?", brick asked. "yeah butch all you do is put them in the toaster and push the button down and wait for them to come back up", boomer said as he chuckled. "well that toaster is broken then", butch said as he crossed his arms. miyako laughed then said,"alright guys i need to go". boomer stood up and pulled miyako into a hug. miyako smiled softly at boomer as she looked into his eyes. boomer smiled back at her. they stood there smiling at each other for a few seconds before butch interrupted them. "just kiss her already", butch said. miyako and boomer both blushed but they did lean in and kiss each other. i smiled at them. there the shyest couple i know.

~Miyako's P.O.V~

i reached down to open the gate to my house. i'm glad to be home. i some times feel bad leaving my grandma here alone even though she isn't really bothered by it. i pushed open the gate then noticed a car in the driveway. i don't recognize the car at all. we must have a visitor? i closed the gate and walked up the path until i reached my front door. i opened the door and walked in. after i closed the door i took off my shoes and set them down on the mat. "grandma?", i called softly. "i'm in the living room dear", grandma called. i smiled as i started walking to the living room but stopped once i seen who our guest were. i gasped at the sight of them. a lady with long blonde curly hair and blue eyes wearing a very fashionable black suit. she looked like a business woman. the man had dark blonde hair and he also had blue eyes. he wore a black suit and tie. he even looked fashionable. "mom, dad?", i asked in a small voice. "miyako darling!", mom said as she stood up and walked over to me. "oh darling it has been years since we seen you", dad said as he walked over to. mom pulled me into a tight hug then let me go so my dad could hug me. after my dad hugged me he let me go. my parents are very big in the fashion industry. when i was young they left me with my grandma so they could go to milan to do there jobs. they didn't want to take me because they felt like i would interfere with there work. the last time i'v seen them or even talked to them was before i became a powerpuff girl. i am glad to see them but what are they doing here? they never visit or call? "darling you look fabulous!", mom said as she gestured to my clothes. "you definitely have talent", dad said. "what are you doing here?", i asked. "what no thank you for the compliment? that's kind of rude", dad said. "really why are you here?", i asked. "well we decided to come see our lovely daughter of course", mom said. "if you cared so much why haven't you guys called? i haven't talked to you in years", i said. "miyako we have been very busy", dad said. "to busy for your own daughter?", i asked. "look that's why we came. we realized we really have missed allot of your life and we want to make it up to you", mom said. "how are you going to make up for six years?", i asked. "by giving you a chance of a life time", dad said. "what?", i asked confused. "we want you to come to milan. you have potential as a fashion designer", mom said. my eyes went wide as i stared at them in shock. "honey you could be the next big thing. think about all the celebrity's that will be walking around in your clothing line", dad said. the idea made me smile. i'v always wanted to be a fashion designer more than any thing in the world. "so after you finish high school at the beginning of next school year you will be flown to milan to start your career", dad said. "but that's so far away", i said. "yes but after your line launches you can always travel any where you want", mom said. "so i could come back home after my line launches?", i asked. "yes. you will only be in milan for two years then you will be able to come back to this ah sketchy town", mom said. "two years!?", i said astonished. "its really not that long. the years just fly by", dad said. "i cant go", i said quietly. "why not?", dad demanded. "i have friends here", i said. "so what friends come and go. you can make new friends in milan", dad said. "no way my friends here will always be by my side. and besides i have a wonderful boyfriend here. i cant leave him for two year!", i said. "a boyfriend?", mom asked. "yes and i really care about him!", i said. "why do you have a boyfriend and why was i never told about this?", dad asked. "probably because you never call", i said. "your going to throw away your dream for a boy?", mom asked. "he isn't just a boy he is the love of my life! and my dream is to be with him", i said. "he will just drag you down miyako", dad said. "no he wont. we will help each other with our lives and our careers together", i said. "so what is his career? football?", dad asked. "no. fashion, he is a great designer", i said. "the boy is into fashion?", dad asked. "we should meet this boy", mom said. "the boys name is boomer",i said sternly. "well look, if boomer is as good as you say he is then he can come to milan to", mom said. "i don't know that's a long way from his home", i said. "you have until September to decide. just give us a call and let us know", mom said. should i go? this is my dream but milan is so far away. and could i really move away and be gone for two whole years? what should i do?

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