Chapter Forty-Three, Graduation day

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Chapter Forty-Three, Graduation day

~Momoko's P.O.V~

I sat quietly staring up at the stage where ms.keene stood. She was the schools most liked teacher of the senior class so she had gotten to make a speech about the senior class. Even though we are inside the schools auditorium it is a bit chilly. They must have the air conditioner on. This gown doesn't really keep you warm. I'm wearing a dress under the graduation gown but its still cold. I wished that I could snuggle close to brick to keep warm but brick and I was split up. We had to sit in alphabetical order so none of us got to sit next to each other except brick and his brothers since they have the same last names. I was sitting next to katsu. At least we are friends and I know him a little bit but I sure as hell will not cuddle with him for warmth. "You cold?", katsu whispered. "Hmm?", I hummed as I looked over at him. He must of noticed me shiver. "Yeah.. It's freezing in here", I whispered. "Haven't you heard? They're hiding penguins in this room.. That's why it's so cold", katsu joked. I quietly giggled at katsu's joke. "I'd believe it", I whispered. "I'm wearing a sweatshirt and jeans under this gown and i still feel cold.. What are you wearing under the gown a dress?", katsu whispered. "Yeah", I whispered. "I feel bad for you. I'd offer you my sweatshirt but I can't take it off with out taking off the gown", katsu whispered. "That's okay.. Ill be fine", I whispered. "Plus I don't think your boyfriend would like it if you wore another guys sweatshirt", katsu whispered. "I don't know.. Brick would probably be okay with it? Maybe? As long as it was keeping me warm", I whispered. "Are you kidding? You know nothing about guys", katsu whispered. "What?", I whispered. "Guys get mega jealous when there girlfriends wear other guys clothes. Why do you think guys like it so much when you wear there shirt or sweatshirt. It lets other guys know that you are taken. It's like a way of claiming you", katsu whispered. Katsu did make a good point. "I guess your right.. I had never thought of that before", I whispered. "Ive only talked to brick a few times but i know Bricks a good guy. I wouldn't want to be on his bad side", katsu whispered. "Brick likes every one. Unless you try to flirt with me then he hates you instantly", I whispered. "He is protective over you", katsu whispered. "He loves me", I whispered. "So will I be invited to the wedding or will I have to be a hollywood A lister to get an invite?", katsu asked. "What?", I whispered in shock. What did he mean by that? "Your moving to Hollywood right?", katsu whispered. "How the hell did you know that!?", I asked. "I heard a rumor.. Some one said they heard you guys talking about moving there", katsu whispered. "Well it's not a rumor.. It's true and as far as brick and I getting married.. That's a long time from now. We're just graduating high school. We have to finish college first", I whispered. "So no Hollywood wedding?", katsu asked. "No.. I want one with just family and friends", I whispered. "It's going to be weird without you here", katsu whispered. What does he mean by that? Why does he look sad? "Katsu I know we're friends but we hardly ever talk so why would it be weird that I wouldn't be here?", I asked. "No I mean it's going to be weird with out blossom here", katsu whispered. "Oh", I whispered understanding him now. "You guys are like our town mascot or some thing. When people say new Townsville you puffs are the first thing that pops into every ones mind. And with you all going off to college we will just be plain old new Townsville", katsu whispered. "This isn't good bye you know. We're all coming back once college is done", I whispered. "Keep telling yourself that but it's not gonna happen", katsu whispered. "Why not?", I asked. "Well you and brick will become movie stars and get used to the Hollywood life so you two will decide to stay there. Kaoru and butch will become famous sports players and will decide to travel. Miyako and boomer will go off to Milan and start a great business there that they can't just walk away from", katsu whispered. My heart sank as he talked. My god is he right!? Could he be predicting the future?! No.. No it's not true! We made a pact to come back to new Townsville. We wouldn't get so caught up in our lives that we would give up on coming back home would we? What if we do decide to stay away from new Townsville longer than we planned? What if we decide to never move back and to visit twice a year... Then what if over time it turns into once a year? Or once every two years.... Until eventually we stop coming back.... No! No! That won't happen! I quickly tried to push those negative thoughts out of my head but it was hard to. "I didn't make you sad did i?", katsu whispered with a caring expression on his face. "Kinda", I whispered. "I'm sorry.. But it is a possibility. It could happen. I plan on moving to America as well. I plan on going to New York just like my older cousin did. I keep telling myself that ill be there until college is over but part if me knows that I won't want to come back", katsu whispered. "What makes you say that?", I asked. "Well my cousin left to go to NYC when I was eight. He was only going to be away for four years then move back once he finished college but then he realized now much he liked it there so he stayed there. He used to visit once a year but now were lucky if he even calls us", katsu whispered. "I have to come back.. I have family here", I whispered. "My cousin had family here to but that didn't effect his decision", katsu whispered. "Was it your goal to make me upset?", I asked. "No!", katsu whispered in shock. "Then quit telling me these things. Now I feel all conflicted", I whispered. "Okay ill shut up now", katsu whispered. "Katsu...", I whispered. "Yes?", katsu asked. "At our five year reunion you better show up", I whispered. "I'll make it my goal.. You just gotta ditch the paparazzi long enough to get here", katsu whispered. "You act like I'm going to be a huge movie star", I whispered as I chuckled. "You will be! Your a power puff girl! Any directer would kill to have you in there movie!", katsu whispered. "Maybe", I whispered back. "Hey I never asked. How did you get your powers back any way? I seen you fighting with princess on the news this morning", katsu whispered. "I can't tell you exactly but brick made the professor do every thing he could to give them back to me", I whispered. I wasn't supposed to talk about how we got our powers because if people found out that all it took was to be blasted with chemical z then every one would break into the lab to try and blast themselves with chemical z. "Ahh top secret info huh?", katsu whispered. "Yep", I said. This morning brick took me to the professor so he could give me back my powers. Not even an hour later we got a call from the mayor saying princess was attacking the city! I was so excited to be a hero again that I didn't waste any time to transform. At first all my friends was shocked but they was happy for me. Usually we fight villains as a team but they let me handle princess all by myself. They just hovered around and laughed while I was getting my ass kicking on. I know kaoru hates sitting out of a fight but I'm glad she did. It was nice to fight crime again. Suddenly every one was clapping as they stood up. "Why are we clapping?", I asked as I stood up. "They finished the speeches and they're about to call our names to go get the diplomas", katsu said. "Damn you made me miss the speeches!", I said as I nudged katsu's arm with my elbow. Suddenly the girl next to me started to walk away. I noticed that she was following a line so I quickly followed her and katsu followed me. Every one was lining up along the wall and had to wait for our names to be called to go across the stage and receive our diplomas then we was supposed to go back to our seats. Our principal began calling off names and I started to feel nervous. I could feel my palms start to sweat and I felt shaky. I don't know why I feel so nervous? I'm used to being In front of crowds so my am I so fidgety? "Momoko Akatsutsumi", a voiced boomed over the speaker. "Oh jeez", I muttered nervously. I quickly ran up the steps but of course my foot hit the last stair and I almost fell but I managed to keep my balance and only stumbled a little bit. I could feel my face flush with red as I quickly walked across the stage. "Congratulations", the teachers said as they all shook my hand. After I went down the line of handshaking I stopped in front of the principal. "I guess your not a trouble maker after all, congratulations Miss. Akatsutsumi", the principal said as he smiled and handed me my diploma. "Thank you", I said as I held the diploma in my hand. I quickly walked off the stage and walked back to my seat as the crowd clapped there hands and a few people whistled. I could specifically hear my dads loud whistle. I'm not sure what the other people was whistling about. I didn't have any other family here besides my direct family. But I guess now that every one knows about my other identity more people care about me. I'm not just momoko any more to these people. They know me as blossom as well. "Nice job on not falling", katsu said as he sat down next to me. I didn't even notice they had called his name! "I was so embarrassed!", I said. "At least you didn't fall!", katsu said. "Luckily", I said as I smiled. I kept watching as more and more people walked across the stage until the announcer announced, "miyako gotokuji". I quickly started to clap and cheer for Miya. Miyako walked across the stage and waved at the crowd of people with such grace. Once she excepted her diploma she walked off the stage. Miyako walked passed the isle of chairs I was in and waved to me as she passed by so I quickly waved back. After a few more names the announcer announced, "boomer Jojo". I clapped and cheered for boomer as he walked across the stage. Boomers cheeks was flushed pink as he looked out at the crowd. Me must be embarrassed to be in front of so many people since he is kinda shy. Boomer quickly accepted his diploma and walked off the stage. I smiled widely as I knew my boyfriend was next. "Brick Jojo", the announcer said. I clapped and cheered as brick walked across the stage. I quickly whistled enthusiastically at brick and he looked directly at me and smiled. Brick pointed at me and winked as he walked over to the teachers. Brick quickly shook the teachers hands and excepted his diploma from the principal. After brick was off the stage the announcer announced, "butch Jojo". I clapped and cheered for butch as he walked across the stage. Butch didn't seen to care that so many people was watching him. He didn't seem nervous at all. Butch accepted his diploma and walked off the stage. Now out of all my friends we only have kaoru to be called. Eventually after about ten more people the announcer announced,"kaoru Matsubara". I clapped and cheered for kaoru as she walked across the stage. I could hear butch whistling from where ever his seat was. Kaoru smiled as she excepted her diploma and walked off the stage. Just like butch she didn't seem nervous at all. I guess she is used to it since she plays sports and they always have bleachers full of people watching. After about a half hour the final name was called. The principal said a few more words before our class president took the stage. "Hello every one. Wow can you believe we made it this far? This is a huge step for us. We're graduating high school. We're going to move on to bigger and better things. Some of us will go off to college or even start a family. But what ever you choose is the best choice for you. It's time that where adults and make our own decisions or mistakes. But whether our choices are good or bad we will learn from them and we will grow stronger! We can accomplish any thing we put our minds to! I know my family is certainly proud of me today. And you know what? I'm proud of me to. I'm proud of every one in my senior class! Your family's are proud of you and you should be proud of yourselves to. None of us would be here if it wasn't for our teachers and I know there all proud of us as well. So now it's time to take it all in and take the summer off! We all deserve it. Many of us will spend our summer months with our friends and families before we go off to college and I hope every one has a great time! I hope every one has a great time at college as well!", The class president said. Every one began clapping as she finished her speech. "Congratulations class of 2015!", she yelled as she threw her hat into the air. Every one took off there hats and threw them up into the air. I watched the hats start to fall but then some one grabbed me from behind pulling me into a hug. I quickly turned to see brick. "Congratulations baby", brick said. "Congratulations bricky", I said as I leaned in and kissed brick softly. Brick and i kissed as the hats rained down around us. Every one cheered in excitement of being graduated but I stayed in bricks arms. Brick and I was celebrating in our own way. I slowly pulled away and smiled up at brick. Brick quickly stole another kiss but let me go after he pulled away. "I'm glad you didn't fall and bust your face up there", brick said commenting on me almost tripping. "Thanks", I said as I giggled. "Come one lets go talk to your parents. I'm sure they want to congratulate you", brick said as he smiled and grabbed my hand and led me away. I quickly looked back and waved good bye to katsu. Katsu smiled and waved good bye to. Hopefully what katsu said will not happen but if there's any thing I'm for sure of its that I'm ready for the future and I can't wait to face it with brick by my side.

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