"Disappointed, angry, pitying me. And they're right to be."

"It's not like you did it on purpose."


"What do you mean still?"

"Well having their only child ruin their plans and kill their hopes and dreams can't be easy on them."

"Sure it is. I've done it a couple million times."

"How so?"

"The people who put me on this earth have set in stone I'll become a lawyer for my dad's business. But I dont want to so we fight then they pay for therapy, send me away to a new school, then I get kicked out of said school and we press repeat."

"Not a lawyer? Are you sure? You're very persuasive."

"I would never be able to look my batman poster in the face if I had to defend criminals for a living."

"Ah of course. So what do you want to be?"

"I already am what I want to be, for now anyways."

"And who's that?"

"What about you? Do you just worry about your parents' feelings every single second of your life?"

"So what if I do?"

"What about your feelings?"

"I don't know. Lately I've been questioning if I know up from down, left from right, anger from sadness when they all belong to one another and no one can avoid neither for too long."

"Was I one of those unavoidable things too?"


"I guess I did my job right then," he smirked and I shook my head.

"Why were you at the wedding anyways? Did you know the bride or the groom?"

"Neither. Family obligation."

"Your parents were there?"

"No. I had to go as a representative of sorts."

"Is that supposed to mean something?"

"The bride's father is my father's newest associate so they make me come on their behalf with a wedding gift to represent them since they weren't coming. Mostly I just go for the food and the drinks but this is also how I get paid."

"You get paid to go these things?"

"Um hm. When they sent me out here to Huntswood I was cut off from the money tree. So to atone for my many sins I get paid to behave and represent the family name in a picturesque way."

"Sometimes I think I understand you and then you say things like this."

"Don't bother trying to understand my parents' world. I like being in yours," he looked down and put his nose to my cheek.

My cheek would've pinked up if I wore my emotions on my face. Still I turned towards him putting my mouth close to his and he at once took the bait. Though every time we kissed he kept getting softer and softer as if to not scare me. But for me it was the opposite, I wanted him more than the last time. I didn't understand why, or how, but there I was glued to Adam's lips again, feeling him in every part of me. Forgetting the reasons I shouldn't. But if everything was lost to me then I didn't need to fear anymore. Did I?

"This is the first time you didn't run away from me," he said and I nodded.

"I don't have anything to hold on to anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"Everything I ever did revolved around me going to Winchester University. Every little decision and then I blew it. It's done. I don't have to worry about making the wrong moves anymore because nothing I do will make things worse. This was it. My worst nightmare came true."

The Modern Romantics (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now