Chap. 32 |The Heist|

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With the motorbike hidden by the bushes, Zara and Cain crawled up the driveway and took cover behind a huge tree.

"When does the dinner start?" Zara asked, looking over her shoulder.

"At half past seven." Cain replied.

"That's in 25 minutes. We have to get in there." Zara said, her gaze glued to the mean looking guards standing on either side of the door.

"There are guards everywhere, I'm sure of it. The only way in is through a window." Cain informed her. Zara groaned in frustration. This was getting more and more difficult with each passing second.

"But I can't get around with those guys standing there, they'll see me." Zara muttered angrily.

Cain looked at the guards then smiled. Zara looked at the expression on his face until realisation dawned on her.

"No! Absolutely not!" Zara scolded him quietly.

"Do you have a better idea?" Cain scoffed.

Zara scowled. "I will not let you do that."

"You better come up with something, because we are wasting time." Cain pointed out.

"We'd rather run inside. I won't let you be an object of distraction." Zara rebuked sternly.

"And risk getting shot?" Cain deadpanned.

"Alright, fine! I can't believe I'm saying this. Go ahead, distract them." Zara sighed.

Cain looked at her then smiled. "Don't worry, I won't die." Cain chuckled.

Zara winced at the word 'die'. "You better not. I don't want to have to open your grave and kick your ass."

"You won't. I've been running my whole life." Cain shrugged his shoulders.

Zara enveloped Cain in a tight hug. "You're one brave kid."

"Valentine gave me a chance when no else would. He's my father, I have to help." Cain said, trying to pry away from Zara's hug.

"Don't die." Zara nodded whilst stepping back for Cain to depart.

"Likewise." Cain smiled. Without another word, he ran onto the pathway and waved at the guards. "Hey knuckleheads! Remember me?" Cain shouted.

The guard's growled when they saw Cain. They started after him without bothering to look around.

Zara took deep breaths then took off running. She rounded a corner then assumed a crouching position.

Zara was beyond terrified. The possibilities of getting shot were very high. But if a thirteen year old boy was brave enough to risk his own life, Zara was prepared to do the same thing.

She kept glancing through the windows, but all of them were guarded by more mean looking giants. Zara scowled. Luck was not by her side.

She kept going until she reached the end of the house. Each window was heavily guarded. There was no way in unless she chose to use brute force.

Zara picked up a rock then quietly climbed onto the windowsill. She stepped onto the tiled floor as quietly as she could, the rock in her two hands. She rose it over her head then aimed it at the guard on her left.

Like Goliath, the guard came tumbling down. The other guard gasped at the sight. "You little.." He growled, slapping Zara to the floor.

Zara fell to the floor with a yelp. The guard wrapped his large hand around her neck and slowly held lifted her up. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked, his grip tightening around her neck.

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