The house is silent as ever, and I don't know whether to take that as a good sign or a bad sign. 

I make my normal kissy sound as I enter my room, and sure enough Kookie begin to squeak from his cage, running around in circles. 

"Aish..." I sigh. "Did I really imagine it all?"

I pick him up out of his cage and proceed to carry him everywhere with me. 

"But I couldn't have imagined it." I grumble as I make some chicken salad. "Am I crazy?" I look at Kookie down on the floor, who only looks back up at me and blinks. "Dammit, I bet I am."

I walk to the counter, putting my salad together, when  suddenly I hear Kookie's little bell jingling as he follows after me. 

"Hm?" I look down, noticing how he snuggles up to my bare feet. "What's with you today? Why so cuddly?" I ask, picking him up and putting him in my apron pocket. 

Once I have it all made up, I get kookie his own little dish, setting him on the floor so he can eat some salad too. Minus the chicken of course ^-^.

I eat my food quietly, thinking about Taehyung. He sat here just the night before....holding my hand and drinking wine with me...and now.... I feel tears prick at my eyes, and I can't help but cry. I may not have been totally happy with him...but I hate hurting people. I must've humiliated him so badly at the airport...

Suddenly I hear Kookie begin to sneeze. 

"Kookie?" I mumble look down. He rubs his nose continuously, itching it. 

"Sadness smells like smoke, but when it's Taehyung it's makes my nose itch."

I suddenly remember that dark haired boy from my dream saying that. 

"Kookie..." I whisper, moving my food aside as I set him on the table. He smells all around, his little ears perking up as he  looks for something to nibble on. "....did I really see you last night?" I ask the little ball of black fluff. "Was it really you?" I say, looking into his little eyes. 

I sigh, petting him. 

"Maybe it was a dream after all...though....maybe....maybe it wouldn't be so bad having someone like Kookie around-"

I gasp as before my eyes, my tiny rabbit once again transforms into the dark haired man from last night. He sits on the floor, looking rather confused. 

"Y-You?!" I gasp, stumbling out of my chair. 

Kookie looks behind himself, almost as though he thinks I'm referring to someone else. 

"H-How did you do that?!" I ask, pointing at him. 

"I Um...u-uh..." He blushes deeply and looks away as though he's embarrassed. He covers his eyes and sits with  his head on his knees, not looking at me. 

"K-Kookie?" I say again, more gently this time. "C-Can't you answer me? Y-You talked last night, didn't you?"

He nods his head gently, still not saying a word. 

"Can...can you talk to me again?" I ask. 

He takes in a shaky breath. "I...I don't like it when you scream like that about me..." He whimpers. "It scares me..."

"I-It's scares you?" I ask, scoffing. "Imagine how much it scares me??" 

"Mmm..." He whines. "...I don't want to scare you, o-or make you angry. A-And I don't want to get hit again." He cowers and my heart breaks. 

I take in a deep breath, moving slowly toward him, my hand extended. I wince as I finally get the courage to touch him....and surprisingly...nothing happens. 

What You See// JikookWhere stories live. Discover now