Take Time For Me

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Hello Lovelies!

Thank you all so much for 796 reads!! UwU

Jimin's POV

My head spins with odd images of a man with black hair, and airports, and engagement rings, and suddenly I wake up, gasping. 

"K-Kookie?!" I call, looking all around, but there's no answer, and the little rabbit's cage is empty. "Kookie?" I call again, sitting up, and suddenly I hear a little whimper as something warm rolls off the top of my head and into the palm of my hands. 


It's my rabbit...still smol and cute like before...

"K-Kookie?" I say, picking him up gently to look into his sparkling black eyes. 

He seems very normal. 

I pack him around with me all morning as I get ready for work, and even when I take a shower. I never stop looking at him, and even when I leave for work I set up a constant Facetime with  one of my old phones, placing it just right so I can watch him all throughout the day while I'm at work. 

~While At Work~

I type on my computer, trying to stay focused on Kookie while also getting my work done. Just then  one of my coworkers peek around the corner. 

"Hey, Jimin."

"What?" I whisper. 

"It's your boyfriend on line two. He says he wants to talk to you." 

"Tell him I didn't come into work today." I sigh, turning back to my work. 

I was hired by a sales company. So, people see something that they want online, and they call our company. I spend all day answering calls and trying to sell customers products that I've personally never used before. My company's name is Rhythmonic.

"Hello, this is Rhythmonic. My name is Jimin, what can I help you with today?" I say cheerfully as I answer a call. 

"Hello. My name is Kyung..." He goes on to tell me about which product he saw, and an hour later I've successfully sold him an electric shaver. 

The day goes on slowly, and I'm sure to keep an  eye on Kookie the entire day, sometimes even loosing track of thought in the middle of talking to a customer. 

~The End of The Day~

I groan as I finally get off work, looking through all my missed calls and ignored texts from Taehyung. 

12 missed calls from Taehyung
5 voicemails from Taehyung
17 Messages from Taehyung

"Aish....I feel so bad about yesterday..." I say to myself as I sit down on the bus. "...Maybe I should call him and just ask him how he's doing?"

"Mmm gurl don't call him." I hear some random person say on the phone to their friend. "You  know that the second you do you just gonna be his hoe again." She sighs angrily. "Alright well you 'gon do what you want to do anyways so it's not like my opinion matters, but don't come crying to me when you're the one who keeps putting yourself back in his bed." She ends the call, cursing to herself under her breath. 

..Even though the girl wasn't talking to me....she makes a good point. 

My finger hovers over his contact for a solid 30 seconds. 

I...I won't say no right now...but I want some to think... 

~Back Home~

"Kookie?" I call, walking through the door. 

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