Sakura was the first one to step forward and extend her hand for a shake. "Nice to meet you, I'm Haruno Sakura. Sakura is just fine though. This is Sai." I shake her hand, and she points towards the pale, crop top wearing person. "Nice to meet you!" He replies with a smile on his face. I'm not sure how I feel about that smile... Seems fake. "Don't worry, that smile isn't fake. He's just not an expert on that yet." Thanks for the lesson Sensei! "Oh and (Y/N), don't mind Naruto, he's stupid anyway. So don't pay a lot of attention to him." Well, I didn't expect Sakura to diss her teammate. Aren't they supposed to defend each other and team up against the new kid?

After a few more minutes of introductions, it was decided to have dinner to bond better and grow stronger as a team. At least that's the reason Kakashi used. "Ichiraku Ramen! Let's go eat there! And it's on Kakashi-Sensei!" Well, that was the first thing Naruto said since I introduced myself. "Seriously Naruto! Enough Ramen! You've got to eat something else!" Sakura sure wasn't happy about his choice. Everyone seems used to Naruto's Ramen cries. After a few more arguments, and Naruto's cries getting louder and louder. They all turn to me and ask me to decide... "Well, I'm new here, so I don't really know the good places to go." A loud shout interrupted my sentence. "Ichiraku Ramen is the best in the village! No! In all the world!" Naruto stands in front of me as he announces that. I swear my ears will bleed someday... I think about it for a bit and smirk before I answer. "Why don't we follow Uzumaki's choice for tonight, since he seems so sure about it." Everyone was shocked by my answer. I guess they weren't expecting me to agree with Naruto, which is understandable since we haven't spoken all day. Even Naruto himself is shocked. "U-Uzumaki?" I think I like a shocked Naruto haha. "That's your name, isn't it? Come on let's go! Before I change my mind." I give him a smug look and walk past him. Oooh! Yes, a shocked, lost Naruto is a much nicer Naruto.

Ichiraku Ramen, as it is stated in its name, turned out to be a small little restaurant in the village, with around six stools for the customers. The owner of the shop, whose name was... what was it again? Oh right! Teuchi! He is such a kind man! He welcomed me and even offered for my meal to be on the house! A newcomer deal! His daughter also runs the shop with him. She has got to learn the system and business so she will be able to run it later on in the future. Just meeting these two people will make you want to come back to the shop to make them happy! However, I'm sure Naruto's reason for coming almost every day isn't for the kindness and hospitality of the owners. Our orders came just a few minutes after we made them. The food was being made right in front of us! I have never seen my food being made for me! Even if it was something as simple as ramen! It was super cool to watch!

Naruto took the liberty to order for me; he got me the same meal as his. The others gave me a reassuring look. If anyone knows what to order, it would be Naruto. Apparently, he has tried the entire menu! Now that's impressive! "Dig in guys!! Before it gets cold!" Naruto barely finished his sentence, before his face was hidden by the bowl and the sound of noodle being slurped sounded the store. Everyone started eating as well, as I hesitated a bit. I tend to prefer NOT to burn my tongue.

After an hour, when our bonding dinner was over. We took our time walking around the village. "So (Y/N)? How was my choice?" Naruto asks me with a grin on his face and his arms behind his head. As much as I enjoyed it, I did not want to admit to him that his choice was actually delicious. "Meeh! It was okay I guess." I reply while looking ahead, not wanting to look at him. "Hehe! Ya right! You were ready to order another bowl!" He walks faster to walk next to me. "Oh ya?! How do you know that?" I tested him, he barely knows me, how can he tell that? "Haha! It was written all over your face! Your eyes were screaming more! And if you lost any control you had, you would have drooled from right... There." He pokes the corner of my mouth, with that grin still plastered on his face with his eyes closed. That caught me off guard... didn't he hate me? Why is he being playful now? My confusion stopped my walking, but Naruto kept walking ahead. "That's Naruto for you. We all knew he would come around eventually." Sakura stood next to me. "It hasn't even been twenty-four hours... he didn't even have time to come around? Didn't he hate my guts this morning?" This is so weird. I've never met someone who switches so fast... "Naruto never really hates anyone. He would be long gone from here if he let his hate take control of him." That intrigued me. Why would he be gone? Never hate anyone? That's impossible isn't? "What do you mean? How can someone not hate?" She gives me a soft smile and continues walking. "Why don't you ask him if you don't believe me."

I caught up to them, and Naruto stayed cheerful all night. He was a whole different person. I have to say... I enjoyed this Naruto much better than the one I met this morning. In fact, I enjoyed the entire team's company. Sai didn't talk much, but he did say pretty obvious things sometimes, or things that sounded sarcastic, but they explained that he actually meant them. I guess there is more to him that I will learn to understand with time. Sakura looked like a girly person, but she was far from it, which I liked much better. Most of the time she was arguing and fighting with Naruto when he says stupid things. Which I found it to be hilarious!! Kakashi was like he wasn't even there. He just had that book open and read it all night. Was the book that interesting?

At the end of the night, since Tsunade didn't arrange a place for me to spend my nights, like a house. It was decided that I would stay with Sakura for tonight and work things out with Tsunade tomorrow. I guess that will get me more bonding time with my girl teammate! However, Kakashi said tomorrow is going to be a long day. Let's see what he has in store for us!




Well, that's chapter two!! Hope you enjoyed it! And keep reading!

See you soon!!!

*PikaJovi* (^0^)/

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