Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The last couple of weeks had been extremely hard for me. And I think Edward too. The Cullens went to see Nessie cheer at the football games which Seth played on football team so the pack and everyone else went as well. Every guy that passed by Nessie would talk to her but the way Edward's face would be looking at them I knew the guys wanted to do more then just talk to her. I think it took every cell in our bodies not to go around beating up all these high school boys but one thing that is really starting to bug me is the way Nessie cares for Seth. Like in one play Seth got hit really hard and he wasn't getting up then all you see is Nessie running toward the field onto where Seth was laying. Nessie really can't stand to see Seth hurt even if she knows he can heal fast cause later we found out that Seth was just pretending to be hurt. He said it would have been strange for him to get a hit like that and not be hurt. But I still can not get that out of my head because Nessie already told she wanted to be with me and I basically turn her down so it's a possibility that she could move on to Seth I mean she kinda did have a crush on him. My mind wonder at the thought of Seth being with Nessie I mean losing her to another guy really didn't bother me as much as losing her to someone I call my brother.

"Jake stop. Your gonna break it" my dad said. I looked down to see what I was holding it was the tv remote. I dropped it.

"Well what got you going all hulk so early in the morning" my dad said. I looked at him.

"Oh so it's that face. Who did you see Nessie with this time?"

"Dad, do you think that one of us can take away or be with our imprints"

"Jake you know that Seth could never do that to you"

It pissed me off even more to know he knew what and who I was talking about.

"Dad just answer the question"

"Any thing is possible son it's never been done before but that doesn't mean it can't happen. Jacob you imprinting on Nessie may seem like nothing to you now but to your brothers they can see and feel that connection and where the need to keep each other imprint happy, alive and protected its just like how you see and feel it toward Emily, Rachael, and Claire but your brothers get it stronger because your the alpha and they need to obey you but like I said before anything is possible it will all just come down to Seth" my dad said.

I went to Charlie's to go see Nessie. Ever since Sam stopped phasing I became the alpha which meant I was in charge of everything that had to do with the pack. Everything had to go through me and I was the one to tell the others what to do but I wasn't as good as Sam. He lived and breathed this pack he demanded that we do whatever he said and I hated not having a choice so I couldn't do that to the pack. The only ones that constantly did their patrol was me, Collin, and shockingly Leah. It was once Paul and Seth too but with Paul and my sister having their 3rd little demon child and Seth being back in school they stopped. Though Sam and Paul are working with Charlie now and now that Charlie knows about us it's easier to know if there is a vampire in town.

I opened the door and saw Nessie laying her head on Seth's lap and her looking up at Seth talking.

"So what do you think is gonna happen?" She asked. I slammed the door.

"Hey" I said.

"Jacob" Nessie said getting of Seth and off the couch.

"So what are you guys doing?" I asked. Seth looked at him and got up off the couch too.

"Seth was just telling what been going on between Quil and Claire" Nessie said. Damn seth better not have told Nessie about everything about imprint because she knows nothing about it and she never will. I looked at Seth and he just shook his head as answering my question as if he knew I was asking him. "Oh god I can't even think about it anymore" Nessie said and walked towards the kitchen.

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