Chapter 2

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Nessie hasn't talk to me in days. She hasn't been answering my calls. When I go to Charlie's or the Cullen's they always say she's at her friend's house but they never say who. Today when I went to see Bella to ask her how Nessie has been doing, the first word she said was bad and that Nessie was very upset that day but she's been taking on some events at school to keep her busy so she wouldn't think about me. Bella said that its been working for her. Bella wanted us talking again so she told me to do pick her up at school.

As I drove closer to the school Nessie was hugging her friends goodbye. I picked up to where Nessie was standing. I rolled my window down

"Hey, get in"

"Umm I think my mom is gonna be here soon" she said and looked at her phone.

"She's not coming, she asked me to pick you up"

"Oh" she said and got in. My radio wasn't working so it quite and Nessie just looked outside the window.

"Did you eat at school? cause if you haven't we can-"

"I'm not hungry" Nessie said with such an attitude and put her earphones on.

I dropped her off at Charlie's. "Thanks for picking me up" again with her attitude and she got out of the car and then so did I before she got to the door.

"Nessie... I'm sorry you know that when your hurting I'm hurting too. I just wanted to give you time to think and cool down. I never meant to hurt you" she stopped and turn to look at me.

"Yeah your right you didn't, I'm just being the spoiled brat that I am and I just want you to know that I'm not hurt I mean I'm disappointed but not hurt because deep I knew and so did everyone else. I was just to caught up in a fantasy that I didn't see reality slapping me in the face but your right I do need some time to get over you" Nessie walked towards the house so I started to walk to my car "Jacob" she said, I turned to look at her "I'm not mad at you I don't have a reason to be you were completely honest with me and I thank you for that... Ill talk to you soon okay you know I could never be angry with you" she smiled and went inside.

A Couple Of Days

I woke up to knocking on the door. I've been taking the night swift so I've been really tired and I told my pack to leave me alone that when I was ready I would go see them I was getting mad that someone had woken me up. I answered the door.

"Hey Jacob" it was Nessie. she looked at me.

"Were you sleeping?" she asked.

"Umm yeah I was" I said tired

"I can just come back tomorrow then"

"No, its fine come inside"

Nessie came in. I was so tired but Nessie hasn't talk to me in a while and I really missed her. We sat on my couch.

"How have you been?" She asked.

"Good you know just missing you" I said. Nessie look down.

"How are you doing?" I asked to change the subject.

"Im doing good, I've been more social at school which Rosalie, Alice, and my father love. Rosalie even convinced me to try out for cheer, which I'm not a big fan of but its gotten my mind off things" I couldn't believe that Nessie was doing fine without me. It made me think of when she said she couldn't talk to anyone else because of me.

"Did you make the team?"

"Your looking at the varsity captain, hey are you doing anything today?"

"No" I said quickly

"Good, I wonder if we can have our Friday movie night?"

"Yeah of course"

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